Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Core Curriculum

Vision and Goals

The USM Core Curriculum is a coherent, integrative, and rigorous liberal education that enables our graduates to be world-minded, intentional, life-long learners. The USM Core engages the academic community in learning experiences that both illuminate and transcend the perspectives of various disciplines. It systematically fosters the values, dispositions, knowledge, and skills that prepare students for successful citizenship in a complex and dynamic world.

Students will

  • Demonstrate informed understanding of interrelationships between human cultures and the natural world
  • Engage in analytical, contextual and integrative thinking about complex issues
  • Demonstrate effective communication using multiple forms of expression
  • Engage in critical reflection upon and informed action in their roles as participants in multiple communities
  • Engage in ethical action and contribute to the social and environmental welfare of local and global communities

The USM Core enables students to achieve these goals through active learning that occurs both in and outside of the classroom. It provides opportunities and incentives to connect learning in the Core with the major, and build knowledge and skills throughout the academic career.

Satisfying USM Core Requirements

Core requirements are met by passing (with a grade of D minus or better) courses that satisfy specific Core requirements. Lists of courses that satisfy the requirements appear at the end of this section of the catalog and in Maine Street Class Search. Students in the University Honors Program or the Russell Scholars Program should refer to the corresponding section of this catalog for information on how Honors and Russell Scholars courses satisfy USM Core requirements. Some majors require students to complete specific courses for Core requirements. Consult the appropriate section of this catalog for information on such degree-program requirements.

USM Core Requirements

Writing, Reading, and Inquiry

The Writing, Reading, and Inquiry requirements ensure that students develop and adapt skills to meet the demands of collegiate study and of new writing situations and diverse audiences. Through their completion of three Writing, Reading, and Inquiry requirements, students become rhetorically versatile and purposeful readers and writers, using the power of language as a means to discover and cultivate ideas and to communicate clearly, productively, and ethically within academic, workplace, and civic communities. 

The first component, Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 1 (WRI 1), can be satisfied in one of three ways:

  • Successfully complete ENG 100 , ENG 101 , ESL 100 , HON 100 , or RSP 100 , or
  • Score 50 or above on the CLEP General English Composition Test (See Prior Learning Assessment for details) 3 credits, or
  • Earn credit for the requirement through AP or transfer or by receiving a score of B or better on the UExcel English Composition examination (see Prior Learning Assessment or Transfer Admissions for details). 

The second component, Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 2 (WRI 2), is satisfied through completion of ENG 102 , RSP 102 , or HON 215 . (Prerequisite: ENG 100, ENG 101, ESL 100, HON 100, or RSP 100)

The third component, Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 3 (WRI 3), is satisfied by taking an approved Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 3 course (see Maine Street class search for course options). Prerequisites: ENG 102 or concurrent, and vary by course. 

Quantitative Reasoning

Students will learn introductory quantitative concepts and skills that are necessary for problem-solving and informed decision-making in everyday life. These skills include mathematical reasoning, computation, and the analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of data. The Quantitative Reasoning requirement can be met in one of three ways:

  • Successfully complete an approved quantitative reasoning course. Some majors require a specific mathematics course. Students should consult their advisor for guidance in selecting a course in this area.
  • Pass a CLEP examination in mathematics (see Office of Prior Learning Assessment for details).
  • Pass a locally administered examination (no credit)

Creative Expression, Cultural Interpretation, Science Exploration, Socio-cultural Analysis

Students broaden their perspective through coursework in four primary areas of academic inquiry.

Creative Expression

Students engage in artistic thinking in order to appreciate the value of the creative process and to enable them to use creative thinking in all aspects of their lives. Prerequisite: Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 1 or concurrent.

Cultural Interpretation

Students analyze and interpret cultural representations and practices to learn how people make sense of themselves and their world. Prerequisite: Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 1 or concurrent.

Science Exploration (lecture and corresponding lab)

Students learn to think like a scientist by engaging in the experiment, observation and critical evaluation which drive the scientific process. Prerequisite: Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 1 or concurrent and Quantitative Reasoning or concurrent.

Socio-cultural Analysis

Students examine socio-cultural systems and phenomena over time and across cultures using theories that shed light on human behavior in social contexts. Prerequisite: Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 1 or concurrent.

Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility, and Citizenship

Students engage in critical reflection on their responsibilities for informed decision making and action in their public and private roles. Students frame, analyze and evaluate civic and ethical issues and assess their own perspectives and actions accordingly. Prerequisites: Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 2 or concurrent; other enrollment requirements vary by course. Some majors may require students to complete specific courses to satisfy this requirement. Consult the section of this catalog associated with your major for more information.


Students engage in critical examination of and self-reflection on issues of difference and diversity and foster the intellectual and interpersonal skills necessary for understanding and working with diverse populations. Prerequisites: vary by course. Some courses that satisfy the Diversity requirement may also satisfy other Core or major requirements. Students must complete two distinct courses to satisfy the Diversity and International requirements.


Students become world-minded learners who are knowledgeable about and have a comparative understanding of international social, political, economic or cultural issues in context. Prerequisites: vary by course. Courses that satisfy the International requirement may also satisfy other Core or major requirements. Students must complete two distinct courses to satisfy the Diversity and International requirements. Study abroad involving an academic experience may be used to satisfy the International requirement. Prior approval form required.

Engaged Learning

Engaged learning experiences allow students to bring theory to practice by applying their knowledge, skills, and abilities in contexts beyond the traditional classroom, through sustained and focused application, reflection, and collaboration. Engaged learning courses generally involve time commitments off-campus or in other non-classroom settings. Variable credit and pass/fail options allowed. Engaged Learning courses may carry more than one Core designation and satisfy more than one Core requirement. See Maine Street class search for course options. Prerequisites: vary by course.


Students integrate learning in the major and in the Core, and connect academic learning with life, career, and citizenship, through a substantial final product of high quality, whether written, performance-based, or practice-oriented. Prerequisites: vary by course. Students should check the section of the catalog associated with their major for information on this requirement.

USM Core Curriculum Policies

  • Students have primary responsibilities for ensuring that they complete USM Core curriculum requirements. Students should consult with an academic advisor for any questions regarding Core requirements.
  • With the exception of Engaged Learning courses, courses taken to satisfy the Core curriculum requirements may not be taken on a pass/fail basis or audited.
  • Satisfying a Core Curriculum requirement involves passing (with a grade of D minus or better) an approved USM course in that requirement area, transferring an equivalent course, or demonstrating other prior learning through approved prior learning assessment processes. Some majors require minimum grades for specific Core requirements. Students should consult the catalog section associated with their major for minimum grade policies of the major.
  • Overlaps between Core and major requirements: There are no restrictions on overlaps between Core and major requirements except those that may be imposed by the major. See the section of the Undergraduate Catalog corresponding to your major for additional information.
  • Overlaps between Core requirements: Students must complete two distinct courses to satisfy the Diversity and International requirements. There are no other restrictions on overlaps between Core requirements.
  • Repeating courses to satisfy Core requirements: See Academic Policies section of the Undergraduate Catalog for University policies on repeating courses, replacement grades, and the course condition form. Any WRI1 course may be used to replace the grade in any other WRI1 course. Any WRI2 course may be used to replace the grade in any other WRI2 course. Students may not take multiple WRI 1 or 2 courses for additional credit.
  • Waivers of and substitutions for USM Core curriculum requirements may be sought from the Assistant Provost via email.

Transfer Credits and the USM Core

Students receive appropriate transfer credit for their Core curriculum requirements through USM’s transfer admission and evaluation process. Transfer credits may be applied to all Core requirements with the exception of the Capstone, which is normally completed within the major and as a part of major requirements.

Inquiries regarding receiving transfer credit for Core requirements should be directed to the Transfer Affairs staff in the Office of Admissions by calling (207) 780-5340 or via email.

Earned Transfer Credit and Writing, Reading, and Inquiry
The Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 1 (WRI 1) requirement will be waived for students who transfer 60 or more credit hours but do not have a comparable transfer course. 

The Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 2 (WRI 2) requirement will be waived for students who transfer 90 or more credit hours but do not have a comparable transfer course.

Transfer credit for the Ethical Inquiry requirement must be at the intermediate to advanced level (normally 200-level or above).

Prior Baccalaureate Degree

Students who have completed one baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution and are undertaking work for a second baccalaureate degree are not required to satisfy Core curriculum requirements.

Prior Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Studies/Liberal Arts

With the exception of the capstone and any other specific courses required by their major, USM Core requirements are waived for students who have completed an associate of arts in liberal studies or liberal arts from a regionally accredited community or other college. This policy does not apply to any other associate degrees.

General Education Transfer Block for Students Transferring from the Maine Community College System

To facilitate transfer from the MCCS to USM, a general education transfer block is in effect beginning fall 2016. Students complete with a grade of C minus or better a block of at least 34 credit hours of specified general education requirements at any Maine Community College and satisfy a corresponding block at USM. For students with a completed block verified by a Maine Community College, USM requires no additional general education credits, except the capstone and any specific courses required by the student’s USM major. Students should contact the registrar at their Maine Community College for information on verification of block completion.

General Education Transfer Block for Students Transferring within the University of Maine System

To facilitate transfer within the University of Maine System, a general education transfer block is in effect beginning fall 2015. Students complete with a grade of C minus or better a block of at least 35 credit hours of specified general education requirements on any University of Maine System campus, and satisfy a corresponding block on any other UMS campus. Up to 10 additional credits may be required by the receiving campus. For students with a verified completed block, USM requires no additional credits, except the capstone and any specific courses required by the student’s USM major. Students should contact the registrar at their UMS campus for information on verification of block completion.

Articulation Agreements

Students participating in any of USM’s Transfer Articulation Agreements with partner institutions will satisfy Core requirements as outlined in those agreements. 

Returning Students

Returning/reactivating USM students who completed the Core requirements associated with their previous Core requirement term may have their Core requirement (career) term reset to the original term. Email the Assistant Provost for additional information.

Courses Approved to Satisfy USM Core Requirements

Lists of courses that satisfy the requirements appear below by requirement area. Please consult with your advisor or use Class Search in Maine Street to determine the availability of Core courses in any given semester.

Course Descriptions  

Writing, Reading, and Inquiry
Quantitative Reasoning
Creative Expression
Cultural Interpretation
Science Exploration
Socio-cultural Analysis
Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility, and Citizenship

Writing, Reading, and Inquiry

Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 1

ENG 100  - College Writing
ENG 101  - Independent Writing
ESL 100  - College Writing
HON 100  - Honors College Writing
RSP 100  - Russell Scholars College Writing 

Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 2

ENG 102  - Academic Writing
HON 215  - Academic Writing: Thinking and Writing in Honors
RSP 102  - Russell Scholars Academic Writing

Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 3

See Maine Street class search for course options.

Quantitative Reasoning

ECO 120  - Lying with Graphs
ESP 123  - Environmental Problem Solving
GEO 107  - Maps and Math
GEO 270  - Mapping People and Environments
HON 105  - An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Logic and Mathematics
LOS 120  - Statistics for Informed Decision-Making
MAT 105  - Mathematics for Quantitative Decision-Making
MAT 120  - Introduction to Statistics
MAT 132  - Quantitative Reasoning for Elementary School Teachers
MAT 140  - Pre-Calculus Mathematics
MAT 148  - Applied Calculus
MAT 152  - Calculus A
MAT 210  - Business Statistics
PHI 205  - Logic
POS 102  - People and Politics
PSY 201  - Statistics in Psychology
SOC 307  - Quantitative Research Methods
THE 115  - Math and the Theatre Arts

Creative Expression

ART 124  - Cre8: The Art of Creativity
ART 141  - Surface, Space, Time (2D)
ART 142  - Surface, Space, Time (3D)
ART 151  - Fundamentals of Perceptual Drawing
ART 170  - The Power of Amateur Photography
CMS 150  - The Writing Process
CMS 203 /CMS 204  - Introduction to Video Production
CMS 205  - Illuminated Autobiography
DAN 101  - Contemporary Dance I
DAN 105  - Musical Theatre Styles I
DAN 205  - Musical Theatre Styles II
EDU 230  - Teaching Through the Arts
ENG 201  - Creative Writing
ENG 202  - Memoir and Autobiography
ENG 300  - Fiction Writing
ENG 301  - Poetry Writing
ENG 302  - Fiction Workshop
ENG 303  - Poetry Workshop
HON 107  - Honors Creative Expression
HON 207  - Honors Creative Expression
MUS 101  - USM Choir: University Chorale (3 cr)
MUS 110  - Fundamentals of Music
MUT 212  - Music Theory 4
RSP 101  - Russell Scholars Creative Writing
SCI 104  - Basic Photography
THE 102  - Acting for Non-Majors
THE 136  - Fundamentals of Design
THE 139  - Theatrical Make-up
THE 170  - Public Speaking
THE 175  - Oral Interpretation of Texts
THE 334  - Costume Design

Cultural Interpretation

ANT 280  - Prehistoric Art
ARA 101  - Beginning Arabic I
ARA 102  - Beginning Arabic II
ARA 201  - Intermediate Arabic I
ARA 202  - Intermediate Arabic II
ARH 111  - Art History: Prehistoric through Medieval
ARH 112  - Art History: Renaissance to the Present
ASL 101  - Beginning American Sign Language I
ASL 102  - Beginning American Sign Language II
ASL 201  - Intermediate Sign Language I
ASL 202  - Intermediate Sign Language II
CHI 101  - Beginning Chinese I
CHI 102  - Beginning Chinese II
DAN 266  - The Art of Dance
ENG 140  - Reading Literature
ENG 145  - Literature and History
ENG 244  - Introduction to Cultural Studies
ENG 262  - Poetry
FRE 101  - Beginning French I
FRE 102  - Beginning French II
FRE 201  - Intermediate French I
FRE 202  - Intermediate French II
GER 101  - Beginning German I
GER 102  - Beginning German II
GER 201  - Intermediate German I
GER 202  - Intermediate German II
HON 102  - Honors Cultural Interpretation
HON 202  - Honors Cultural Interpretation
ITA 101  - Beginning Italian I
ITA 102  - Beginning Italian II
LAT 101  - Beginning Latin I
LAT 102  - Beginning Latin II
LAN 101  - Beginning Language I
LAN 102  - Beginning Language II
LAN 201  - Intermediate Language I
LAN 202  - Intermediate Language II
LOS 210  - Creative Critical Inquiry
MUH 105  - Multi-Cultural Perspectives of American Popular Music and Jazz
MUH 222  - Music History Survey 1
MUS 100  - Music Appreciation and History
MUS 102  - Music of the Portland Symphony
MUS 103  - Introduction to Jazz
MUS 204  - Rock and Roll: Subversive or Submissive?
PHI 105  - Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy through Its History
PHI 106  - Why Philosophize?
PHI 107  - World Philosophy
PHI 310  - History of Ancient Philosophy
PHI 320  - History of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
PHI 330  - The Enlightenment: Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Kant
PHI 360  - Existentialism
PHI 370  - Analytic Philosophy
RSP 205  - Exploring Culture, On Campus & Off
SPA 101  - Beginning Spanish I
SPA 102  - Beginning Spanish II
SPA 201  - Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 202  - Intermediate Spanish II
THE 101  - Introduction to Theatre and Text Analysis
WAB 101  - Beginning Wabanaki Language I
WAB 102  - Beginning Wabanaki Language II
WAB 201  - Intermediate Wabanaki Language I
WAB 202  - Intermediate Wabanaki Language II
WGS 201  - Women, Knowledge, and Power

Science Exploration

ANT 104  - Archaeological Science
ANT 204  - The Gulf of Maine: Archaeology, Ecology, and Environmental Change
AST 100  - Astronomy
AST 103  - Exercises and Experiments in Astronomy
BIO 101  - Biological Foundations
BIO 102  - Biological Experiences
BIO 103  - Introduction to Marine Biology
BIO 104  - Marine Biology Laboratory
BIO 107  - Biological Principles II: Evolution, Biodiversity, Ecology
BPH 160 /BPH 161 - Biology of Human Health
CHY 113  - Principles of Chemistry I
CHY 114  - Laboratory Techniques I
ESP 101  - Fundamentals of Environmental Science
ESP 102  - Fundamentals of Environmental Science Laboratory
ESP 125  - Introduction to Environmental Ecology
ESP 126  - Introduction to Environmental Ecology Laboratory
GEO 102  - Physical Geography
GEY 100  - Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Moving Plates
GEY 101  - Lab Experiences in Geology
HON 200 /HON 201 - Honors Science Exploration and Lab
LIN 185 /LIN 186  - Language, Mind, and Society: An Introduction to Linguistics and Lab
PHY 101  - Introduction to Physics
PHY 102  - Introduction to Physics Laboratory
PHY 111  - Elements of Physics I
PHY 114  - Introductory Physics Laboratory I
PHY 121  - General Physics I
RSP 204  - The Gulf of Maine: Archaeology, Ecology, and Environmental Change
SCI 107  - Biological Principles II with Lab
SCI 130  - The Biology of Human Health with Lab
SCI 170 /SCI 171 - Human Anatomy and Lab
SCI 230  - Environmental Science, Policy, and Sustainability with Lab
SCI 250  - Applied Physics

Socio-cultural Analysis

ANT 101  - Anthropology: The Cultural View
ANT 201  - Human Origins
ANT 202  - Origins of Civilization
ANT 220  - Indigenous Communities of North America
ANT 230  - Hunters and Gatherers
ANT 232  - The Anthropology of Sex and Gender
ANT 233  - Food and Culture
CMS 102  - Introduction to Communication
CRM 100  - Introduction to Criminology
ECO 100  - Introduction to Economics Ideas and Issues
ECO 101  - Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECO 102  - Introduction to Microeconomics
ECO 103  - Critical Thinking about Economic Issues
ENG 334  - Topics in Literacy Studies
GEO 101  - Human Geography
GEO 103  - Human-Environmental Geography
GEO 104  - World Regional Geography
GEO 120  - Geography of Maine
GEO 203  - Urban and Regional Development
HON 103  - Honors Socio-Cultural Analysis
HON 203  - Honors Socio-Cultural Analysis
HRD 200  - Multicultural Human Development
HTY 101  - Origins of Mediterranean Civilizations to 750 CE
HTY 102  - World History 750 CE to Present
HTY 131   - United States History to 1877
HTY 132  - United States History Since 1877
HTY 141  - African American History to 1865
HTY 142  - African American History from 1865
HTY 152  - The Islamic Near East
HTY 171  - Traditional East Asia
HTY 172  - Modern East Asia
LOS 310  - Science, Technology, and Society
LIN 112  - The Birth of a Language
LIN 185  - Language, Mind, and Society: An Introduction to Linguistics
LIN 201  - Language Acquisition
LIN 203  - Introduction to the Deaf World
POS 101  - Introduction to American Government
POS 102  - People and Politics
POS 104  - Introduction to International Relations
POS 205  - Introduction to Comparative Politics
SBS 200  - Multicultural Human Development
SBS 220  - U.S. Democracy Origins and Development
SOC 100  - Introduction to Sociology
SOC 210  - Critical Thinking about Social Issues
SWO 250  - Introduction to Social Welfare
TAH 101  - Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality
THE 201  - Cultural History of Theatre
WGS 101  - Introduction to Women and Gender Studies

Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility, and Citizenship

ADS 300  - Ethics & Serving Individuals with Disabilities
ANT 320  - Anthropology and the Museum
ARH 312  - Art as Social Action
BUS 339  - Business Ethics
BUS 347  - Triple-Bottom-Line Business
CMS 323  - Understanding Technology
CMS 360  - Ethical Dilemmas in the Digital Age
COR 301  - Thoughtful Giving: Philanthropy and American Culture
COS 398  - Professional Ethics and Social Impact of Computing
EDU 310  - Education and Democracy
ENG 348  - Empire, Ethics and Globalization
ENG 348  - Digital Revolutions
ESP 200  - Environmental Planning
ESP 308  - Global Environmental Problems and Sustainability
FSP 200  - Food and Social Justice
GEO 209  - Introduction to Land Use Planning
GEO 210  - Planning Maine Communities: Current Issues & Directions
HON 310  - Honors Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility, and Citizenship
HTY 346  - The Civil Rights Movement
LIN 410  - Ethical Decision Making in ASL/English Interpreting
MUE 310  - ProSeminar V
MUH 329  - Devils, Dwarfs, and Dragons
PHI 211  - Media Ethics
PHI 212  - Environmental Ethics
PHI 220  - Philosophy of Art and Visual Culture
PHI 221  - Philosophy of Film
PHI 235  - Philosophy, Social Media, and Security
PHI 240  - Political Philosophy
PHI 241  - Philosophy and the Politics of Work
PHI 245  - Africa, Social Justice, and Exile
PHI 285  - Biology, Technology, and Ethics
PHI 291  - Death and Dying
PHI 295  - Medicine, Madness, and Disease
PHI 312  - Morality in African Literature and Film
POS 280  - Issues Before the United Nations
PPM 395  - Democracy and Public Policy
RSP 325  - Into the Wild: Environmental Thinking 1960-the present
SBS 368  - Transitioning Cultures: Ethical Conflicts in Post-Military Life
SBS 370  - Toward a Global Ethics
TAH 301  - Global Issues in Travel and Tourism
THE 375  - Performance Art
WGS 380  - The Politics of Difference


ANT 101  - Anthropology: The Cultural View
ANT 103  - Introduction to Archaeology
ANT 232  - The Anthropology of Sex and Gender
ANT 380  - African American Historical Archaeology
ARH 310  - Art History: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
ARH 311  - Gender Identity and Modern Art
EDU 305  - Foundations of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
ENG 383  - Studies in African-American Literature and Culture (all titles of this topics course are Diversity)
GEO 255  - Making a Living: Workers in a Global Economy
HON 103  - Cultural and Historical Perspectives on Poverty
HTY 131  - United States History to 1877
HTY 141  - African American History to 1865
HTY 142  - African American History from 1865
HTY 143  - Native American History, 1450-2000
HTY 144  - Indigenous Peoples in the Atlantic World
HTY 162  - Modern Africa
HTY 353  - Gender in Native North America, 1450-1850
LIN 185  - Language, Mind, and Society: An Introduction to Linguistics
LIN 203  - Introduction to the Deaf World
LOS 316  - Diversity in Organizations
LOS 330  - Cultural Contexts
MUH 105  - Multi-Cultural Perspectives on American Popular Music and Jazz
MUH 325  - The History of Musical Theatre in America
NUR 326  - Dominican Republic Community Nursing Partnership I Clinical
NUR 327  - Dominican Republic Community Nursing Partnership II Clinical
NUR 339  - Community Nursing Partnerships I Clinical
NUR 341  - Community Nursing Partnerships II Clinical
NUR 419  - Community Nursing Partnerships for RNs Clinical
NUR 436  - Community Nursing Partnerships I for Accelerated B.S. Students Clinical
NUR 437  - Community Nursing Partnerships II for Accelerated B.S. Students Clinical
PHI 220  - Philosophy of Art and Visual Culture
PHI 245  - Africa, Social Justice, and Exile
PHI 312  - Morality in African Literature and Film
PHI 355  - Contemporary Feminism
POS 104  - Introduction to International Relations
POS 280  - Issues Before the United Nations
POS 334  - Race and Ethnicity in U.S. Politics
POS 352  - Latino Politics
PSY 315  - Psychology of Human Sexuality
PSY 316  - Psychology of Gender
SBS 300  - Deviance and Social Control
SBS 316  - Diversity in Organizations
SBS 345  - Diversity: Many Voices
SED 235  - Students with Exceptionalities in General Education
SOC 371  - Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
SWO 365  - Examining Oppression and Valuing Diversity
THE 201  - Cultural History of Theatre
WGS 101  - Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
WGS 201  - Rethinking Gender and Culture
WGS 380  - The Politics of Difference
WGS 390  - Contemporary Feminist Theories


ANT 101  - Anthropology: The Cultural View
ANT 103  - Introduction to Archaeology
ANT 105  - Society, Environment, and Change
ANT 232  - The Anthropology of Sex and Gender
ANT 255  - Cultures of Africa
ANT 262  - Women, Arts, and Global Tourism
ANT 280  - Prehistoric Art
ARH 111  - Art History: Prehistoric through Medieval
ARH 112  - Art History: Renaissance to the Present
BUS 335  - International Business
BUS 361  - International Marketing
CMS 286  - History of International Cinema to 1945
EDU 310  - Education and Democracy
ENG 326  - Studies in International Literature since 1900
ENG 397  - Irish Film
ESP 275  - Energy Use and Societal Adaptation
ESP 308  - Global Environmental Problems and Sustainability
FRE 202  - Intermediate French II
GEO 101  - Human Geography
GEO 103  - Human-Environment Geography
GEO 104  - World-Regional Geography
GEO 105  - Society, Environment, and Change
GEO 170  - Global History: Mapping the World Across Cultures
GEO 255  - Making a Living: Workers in a Global Economy
GEO 203  - Urban and Regional Development
GEO 481  - Megacities and Global Planning Issues
GER 202  - Intermediate German II
HTY 101  - Origins of Mediterranean Civilizations to 750 CE
HTY 102  - World History from 750 CE to Present
HTY 162  - Modern Africa
HTY 171  - Traditional East Asia
HTY 172  - Modern East Asia
HTY 377  - Chinese Thought: Confucianism, Daoism, and Zen Buddhism
HTY 388  - Revolutions of Modern China
HTY 390  - Traditional Japan: Court and Warriors
HTY 391  - Japan’s Rise and Fall as a World Power, 1868-1945
ITA 202  - Intermediate Italian II
ITP 230  - Project Management
LIN 112  - The Birth of a Language
LOS 470  - Leadership Study Abroad
MUH 222  - Music History Survey I
PHI 220  - Philosophy of Art and Visual Culture
PHI 221  - Philosophy of Film
PHI 245  - Africa, Social Justice, and Exile
PHI 312  - Morality in African Literature and Film
POS 104  - Introduction to International Relations
POS 245  - French Politics and Government
POS 280  - Issues Before the United Nations
POS 445  - MeMUNC Conference Planners
SBS 370  - Toward a Global Ethics
SBS 470  - Study Abroad
SPA 202  - Intermediate Spanish II
SWO 344  - Costa Rica Immersion: Social Work Perspectives on Culture, Language, and Service-Learning
TAH 301  - Global Issues in Travel and Tourism
TAH 307  - Bermuda Cruise: The Tourism Industry and You
THE 201  - Cultural History of Theatre