Mar 12, 2025
GEO 558 - Research Applications in GIS This course is a workshop in spatial analysis in which students undertake an original research project. The objective of the course is to generate a product which meets professional standards for publication or presentation at a professional meeting, allowing students to build resumes and gain exposure to a professional audience. A variety of software will be used in the course, as projects demand. The starting point will be the opensource geospatial analysis software GeoDa. This tool provides state-of-the-art methods for geospatial analysis, spatial econometrics, and geo-visualization. Topics covered will include: exploratory spatial data analysis, spatial autocorrelation statistics for aggregate data, basic spatial regression analysis for point and polygon data, univariate and multivariate local cluster maps, principal components analysis, k-means, hierarchical clustering, and spatial econometrics.
Prerequisite(s): GEO 308/GEO 508 /GEO 608 or permission of instructor, and GEO 408/GEO 518 /GEO 618 (previous completion or concurrent registration). Co-requisite(s): Credits: 3
Course Typically Offered: Course Type: Geography
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