Sep 20, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Book Arts Minor

Kate Cheney Chappell 83 Center for Book Arts

After having studied book arts under well-known Maine book artist Rebecca Goodale, Kate Cheney Chappell (‘83), co-founder of Tom’s of Maine, shared a gift that established The Kate Cheney Chappell Center for Book Arts at USM, naming Goodale as program coordinator. This is a popular program that celebrates the innovative and engaging nature of book arts through lectures and workshops by national and regional book artists, and through exhibits of artists’ books.

Program Requirements

The minimum number of art and art history credits (exclusive of the University’s Core curriculum) required for the minor: 21

Grades of C- or better must be earned to satisfy a major or minor requirement.

The minor consists of the following:

Studio Art Foundation - select two courses (6 credits)

Art History Course (3 credits)

Upper Level Courses (12 credits)

Select two courses from:

Required Advanced Studio: