2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
Biology, M.S.
Coordinator: Doug Currie
Professors: Maher, Walker; Associate Professors: Champlin, Currie, Lasley-Rasher; Assistant Professor: Miller; Adjunct Professors: Brown, Evers, Levine, Liaw, McMahan, Paruk, Reagan, Ryzhov, Staples, Stenhouse, Wilson
The M.S. program in biology at USM is designed to meet diverse student interests and to provide additional preparation for careers in biology. The program is aimed at three groups: 1) students who wish to continue the scholarly pursuit of biology and possibly continue with a Ph.D. or M.D.; 2) students desiring laboratory or field experience to make them more competitive for employment; and 3) students who teach, or wish to teach, at the secondary, community college, or technical college levels.
To meet these needs, the M.S. program in biology offers a breadth of coursework, and a thesis requirement with an individualized approach. Coursework and research opportunities span the subdisciplines of cell and molecular biology, developmental biology, evolutionary genetics, physiology (animal, plant, and microbial), ecology (marine, freshwater, and terrestrial), animal behavior, and environmental science.
The student master’s thesis, tailored to individual interests and falling within the research subdiscipline of a faculty mentor, is intended to provide experience in scientific investigation. Students are exposed to the current state of knowledge within the subdiscipline, and learn skills necessary for creative scientific inquiry. These include exploration and evaluation of the scientific literature, experimental design, implementation of original laboratory or field-based research, statistical analysis of data, preparation of oral or poster presentations, and writing of publishable scientific papers.
Program Requirements
The degree provides two thesis options: research or literature review. Most students are expected to produce a research thesis, based on an original research project. However, with approval of the student’s Advisory Committee, a student may undertake the literature review thesis option, which requires writing a comprehensive analysis of a specific topic. All master’s candidates preparing a research thesis must complete a minimum of 24 credits of coursework and 6 credits of thesis research. Candidates completing the literature review thesis option must complete 32 credits of coursework, which must include at least one laboratory course, and 3 credits of literature review. Coursework is determined individually for each student in consultation with the student’s Advisory Committee. Students also choose electives. To maintain breadth, electives are required in at least two of three program areas (selecting from Genetics and Molecular Biology, Physiology, and Ecology and Evolution). Upon approval of the Advisory Committee, students may take graduate-level courses in other departments. During the first semester, students are required to declare a research topic and to arrange an Advisory Committee, with guidance from their primary faculty advisor. The Advisory Committee consists of the student’s primary faculty advisor and at least two other faculty members, of which at least one must be a member of the Department of Biological Sciences. At the end of the program, the thesis or literature review must be written in a form satisfactory to the Advisory Committee and suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and the results must be presented in a seminar open to faculty, students, and the public. After the presentation, the student and Advisory Committee will meet to discuss details of the project, paper, and seminar. All students must take these required courses:
Area Courses
The following courses satisfy the three program areas. Also, courses from other departments, specifically the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Environmental Science and Policy, may satisfy some program areas. Genetics and Molecular Biology
Program Policies
In addition to the general policies described in the Academic Policies chapter, this program also includes the following policies. Transfer credits Graduate students may transfer a maximum of nine graduate credits, earned within the past 5 years, with a grade of B- or better. Approval of transfer credits must be requested at the time of admission. Time limit All courses for the M.S. degree must be completed within 5 years from the time of first matriculation. Students may apply to the program graduate coordinator for an extension, which must be approved by the Department graduate faculty. Grade policy Students must earn a grade of B- or better for courses to count toward the M.S. degree. If the cumulative GPA drops below 3.0, the student will be placed on probation. Terms and conditions of probation will be determined by the student’s Advisory Committee in consultation with the Office of Graduate Studies. Eligibility for Financial Aid During Thesis Completion Stage To be eligible for federal financial aid (including deferment of student loans), a matriculated student must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 graduate credits in the master’s degree program. However, a student who has completed coursework and is engaged in finishing the thesis will be considered eligible if he or she meets one of the following conditions: - Is enrolled in at least 6 graduate credits, or
- Is enrolled in less than 6 graduate credits, has obtained certification of satisfactory progress from the chair of his/her thesis committee, indicating that the student is actively progressing in the work leading to completion of the master’s degree, and is registered for GRS 602 (see course description under Continuous Enrollment and GRS on the Office of Graduate Studies website).