Feb 13, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

List of Course Description Prefixes  

Course Description by Department/Program  



  • MUS 380 - Jazz Improvisation 1

    A course designed to teach the student to improvise in the jazz idiom. Studies include jazz theory and standard jazz literature. Recommended for instrumental music majors.

    Prerequisite(s): MUT 112  or permission of the instructor.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 381 - Jazz Improvisation 2

    A performance course designed to expand upon the improvisation principles presented in Jazz Improvisation 1. Students will learn advanced jazz theory and use that knowledge to perform in the jazz language both in class and in lab situations.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 380  or equivalent.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 400 - Southern Maine Symphony Orchestra

    A string, wind, and percussion ensemble open to all University students and community members through audition. The ensemble focuses on the fundamentals of ensemble performance, dealing with a variety of literature, and performs at least one major concert per semester.

    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Credits: 0.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 401 - University Chorale

    A choral ensemble for mixed voices open to all University students through audition. The Chorale sings repertoire from all historical periods and performs locally and on a spring tour. The purposes of the ensemble are to develop musical expression and precision of intonation and rhythm and to promote the musical development necessary for excellence in ensemble singing.

    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Credits: 0.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 402 - University Concert Band

    A wind and percussion ensemble open to all University students through audition. The ensemble focuses on the fundamentals of ensemble performance dealing with a variety of literature. The University Concert Band performs at least one major concert per semester and is active in presenting school assembly programs.

    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Credits: 0.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 404 - Opera Workshop

    This ensemble will focus on the union of musical ideas with dramatic situations and will explore the ways in which singers must convey the essence of a dramatic situation. Performances of scenes from operas, operettas, and musical theater.

    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Credits: 0.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 405 - Chamber Singers

    An ensemble of mixed voices selected by audition. The ensemble specializes in a cappella repertoire, notably of the Renaissance era and the 20th century.

    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Credits: 0.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 406 - Chamber Music

    A performance course open to all qualified students interested in forming chamber groups: duets, trios, quartets, quintets, etc., under faculty supervision.

    Credits: 0.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 407 - Jazz Ensemble

    An ensemble specializing in the study and performance of jazz for large and small groups. Open to all students by audition.

    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Credits: 0.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 408 - Wind Ensemble

    The Wind Ensemble offers a unique musical experience to its members. The versatility of the Wind Ensemble, based upon the solo performer premise, has established a tradition of performing chamber and large instrumentations, traditional or experimental combinations, and early through contemporary literature. The membership of the Wind Ensemble is selected from Concert Band personnel.

    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Co-requisite(s): MUS 402 .
    Credits: 0.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 440 - Studio Class

    Studio class is a series of master classes covering a wide variety of performance related and pedagogical topics. Particular emphasis will be placed on instruction and discussion of repertoire, technique, pedagogy, and performance practice. Student performances are an integral part of the class. Guest lecturers and performers may be invited to visit the class on a regular basis.

    Co-requisite(s): MUP 101 , MUP 102 MUP 201 MUP 202 MUP 203 , 603, or 604.
    Credits: 0.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 442 - Recital Class

    Performance in major field, stage deportment, and evaluation of performances.

    Credits: 0

    May be repeated for credit.
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 452 - Accompanying

    A workshop course in applied accompanying under faculty supervision. One-half credit is awarded for each twenty hours of University-supervised accompanying, with a maximum of two credits in any academic year.

    Credits: 0.5-2

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 480 - Bibliography and Research in Music

    A study of music reference and research tools, use of library resources and networks, and bibliographic style and technique.

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 100  or equivalent for all students; for students admitted Fall 2021 or later: ENG 102  or equivalent (may be concurrent), or non-degree student; OR permission.
    Credits: 3

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 3
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music
  • MUS 498 - Independent Study in Music

    To provide juniors and seniors who have demonstrated critical and analytical capability an opportunity to pursue a project independently, charting a course and exploring an area of interest within their major field.

    Prerequisite(s): Music majors, permission of the School required.
    Credits: 1-3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music

Music Theory

  • MUT 110 - Music Theory 1

    The first semester of the four-semester Music Theory sequence. This course covers music theory fundamentals, fundamentals of species counterpoint, principles of notation, and instrumentation.

    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music Theory
  • MUT 111 - Sight Singing and Aural Skills 1

    The first semester of the four-semester Sight Singing and Aural Skills sequence. This course covers solfege, music transcription, and sight singing.

    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music Theory
  • MUT 112 - Music Theory 2

    The second semester of the four-semester Music Theory sequence. This course covers the concepts of diatonic harmony, cadences, phrase level form and a brief introduction to chromaticism. This material will be explored through the analysis, transcription, and composition.

    Prerequisite(s): MUT 110 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music Theory
  • MUT 113 - Sight Singing and Aural Skills 2

    The second semester of the four-semester Sight Singing and Aural Skills sequence. This course covers solfege, music transcription, and sight singing.

    Prerequisite(s): MUT 111 .
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music Theory
  • MUT 210 - Music Theory 3

    The third semester of the four-semester Music Theory sequence. This course covers chromatic harmony and musical form. This material will be explored through the analysis, transcription, and composition.

    Prerequisite(s): MUT 112 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music Theory
  • MUT 211 - Sight Singing and Aural Skills 3

    The third semester of the four-semester Sight Singing and Aural Skills sequence. This course covers solfege, music transcription, and sight singing.

    Prerequisite(s): MUT 113 .
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music Theory
  • MUT 212 - Music Theory 4

    The fourth semester of the four-semester Music Theory sequence. A grounding in the materials of 20th and 21st century music from analytical, compositional, and listening perspectives. Students will undertake analyses and model composition exercises involving: modes, synthetic scales, extended tertian harmony, poly harmony, rhythm and meter, atonality, twelve-tone serialism, chance music, and minimalism. As students learn the abstract theoretical concepts, they will be guided to connect them to real music through copious listening, singing, and transcription exercises. Special attention will be paid to the historical contexts of the various techniques and styles covered during the semester, and students will also attend and critique in writing two performances of contemporary art music.

    Prerequisite(s): MUT 210 .
    Credits: 3

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Creative Expression
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music Theory
  • MUT 213 - Sight Singing and Aural Skills 4

    The fourth semester of the four-semester Sight Singing and Aural Skills sequence. This course covers solfege, music transcription, and sight singing.

    Prerequisite(s): MUT 211 .
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music Theory
  • MUT 330 - Form and Analysis

    Study and analysis of music of the classical, romantic, and contemporary periods with emphasis on homophonic forms and styles.

    Prerequisite(s): MUT 210  and MUT 211  or permission of the School director.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music Theory
  • MUT 332 - Counterpoint

    Analysis and writing of tonal counterpoint. Emphasis is given to the study of canon, invention, fugue, chorale prelude, and continuous variations, using eighteenth-century works as models for composition.

    Prerequisite(s): MUT 210  and MUT 211  or permission of the School director.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Music Theory

Natural Science

  • SCI 104 - Basic Photography

    This course is an introduction to black and white photography, designed to help students gain understanding through “hands-on” photographic work. Lectures include classroom discussions concerning the history and aesthetics of photography, and techniques include camera and lens functions, exposure methods, basic black and white film processing, printmaking, print finishing, and presentation techniques.

    Credits: 3

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Creative Expression
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 105 - Biological Principles I

    An introduction to scientific principles underlying the unity and diversity of life.

    Prerequisite(s): Proficiency requirements in writing and mathematics.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 106 - Laboratory Biology I

    Laboratory experiences illustrating concepts and principles introduced in SCI 105 .

    Co-requisite(s): SCI 105 .
    Credits: 1.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 107 - Biological Principles II w/ Lab

    This is an integrated lecture-laboratory course introducing students to biological diversity. The lecture and laboratory each meet three hours weekly.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in SCI 105  and SCI 106 .
    Credits: 4.5

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Science Exploration
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 108 - Chemistry for Health Sciences

    This is a one-semester introduction to general, organic, and biological chemistry that is specifically tailored for students in the health sciences. The course lays a foundation for the interactions that take place between small molecules, large molecules, and biological molecules. The class will initially focus on the language of chemistry and qualitative description of how chemical reactions take place. This includes a basic model for the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, and extending to the physical/chemical properties of a material. This foundation serves as a basis for the descriptive chemistry of functional groups of interest in biology, biochemistry and biological molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. This course is not suitable for chemistry majors or biology majors. This course meets the chemistry requirements for entry into the USM Nursing program.

    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 113 - Principles of Chemistry I

    A presentation of fundamental principles of chemical science. These principles will be presented in quantitative terms and illustrated by examples of their applications in laboratories and in ordinary non-laboratory experience. This course and SCI 114  (normally taken concurrently) provide the basis for further study of chemistry.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in MAT 108 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 114 - Laboratory Techniques I

    Laboratory experiments to illustrate the principles that are presented in SCI 113  lectures. Three laboratory hours per week combining recitation and practical lab work.

    Co-requisite(s): SCI 113 .
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 115 - Principles of Chemistry II

    A continuation of SCI 113 . This course is designed to provide the foundation for all further studies in chemistry and is a prerequisite for all upper-level chemistry courses.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in SCI 113  or CHY 113 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 116 - Laboratory Techniques II

    Laboratory experiments to illustrate the principles that are presented in SCI 115  lectures. Three laboratory hours per week combining recitation and practical lab work.

    Prerequisite(s): SCI 114 .
    Co-requisite(s): SCI 115 .
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 130 - The Biology of Human Health with Lab

    This course introduces basic concepts of biology and explores how these concepts relate to human health. It also explores natural scientific methods of inquiry and applies these methods to complex issues involving the creation and maintenance of human health. Further, the course explores the importance of societal factors in health maintenance.

    Prerequisite(s): Quantitative Reasoning.
    Credits: 4

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Science Exploration
    Course Typically Offered: Spring
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 140 - Medical Terminology

    This course presents a survey of basic medical terminology for students who are pursuing careers in the health professions and related health care fields. Students will learn how to understand root words, suffixes, and prefixes for naming body systems and pathologies, as well as learning contextual terminology for effective communication in the health care work place.

    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered: Summer
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 170 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    This is the first course in a two-semester sequence in human anatomy and physiology. It introduces basic principles of physiology and anatomy through chemistry, cellular structure and function, genetics, and embryology. This course discusses several physiologic systems including the muscular, skeletal, nervous and integumentary systems.

    Prerequisite(s): An understanding of basic biology and chemistry from high school courses or GED. Should be taken concurrently with SCI 171 .
    Co-requisite(s): SCI 171  recommended.
    Credits: 3

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Science Exploration
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 171 - Practical Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    Laboratory experiences illustrating topics introduced in SCI 170 . Should be taken concurrently with SCI 170 .

    Credits: 1.5

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Science Exploration
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 172 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    This is the second course in a two-semester sequence in human anatomy and physiology. Topics in this course will include the special sense organs, blood and circulatory system, immune function, respiratory system, digestion and metabolism, endocrine function, renal function, and electrolyte balance.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in SCI 170  and SCI 171 .
    Co-requisite(s): SCI 173  recommended.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 173 - Practical Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    Laboratory experiences illustrating topics introduced in SCI 172 . Should be taken concurrently with SCI 172 .

    Credits: 1.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 190 - Beer: The Science & Art of Brewing

    Students will immerse themselves in the world of craft beer through the history of this ancient beverage and the science of creating it in a modern brewery. Course participants will experience beer’s creation, the chemical, biological, and physical processes central to fermentation and brewing, and beer’s many sensory subtleties while also developing ideas central to the business of marketing and operating a brewing business. The course will meet in a working brewery, providing hands-on opportunities to observe and participate in the brewing process. To put their new knowledge and skills to work, students will work with professional brewers to design and create their own beers on a small, homebrew-scale system, and with one of Maine’s leading brewery owners, work to conceive marketing and sales plans for them. Brewery personnel and USM faculty from the relevant fields will bring the many facets of the world of beer together in this truly interdisciplinary course.

    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered: Fall
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 199 - Special Topics

    This is a class that has topics that vary from year to year and is meant to be taught at the introductory level with a minimum of prerequisites.

    Credits: 3-4

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 209 - Human Genetics

    This course examines the role of heredity in human growth, development, and behavior. Decision making, ethical issues and societal responsibilities related to genetic disorders will be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): SCI 130  or SCI 105  or SCI 170 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered: Fall
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 230 - Environmental Science, Policy, and Sustainability with Lab

    This course presents a multidisciplinary survey of the scientific principles underlying energy utilization, nutrient cycles, global warming, population, and natural resource policy and management. The lectures will be comprised of Socratic interactions and group discussions relating regional, national, and global components that encompass ecology, economics, politics, and social endeavors. This course includes a laboratory involving field and lab work and service learning efforts.

    Prerequisite(s): Quantitative Reasoning.
    Credits: 4

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Science Exploration
    Course Typically Offered: Fall
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 231 - Digital Photography

    Working with digital cameras, students will learn to see photographically in color. They will gain a better understanding of color relationships using color as design elements and the overall artistic and aesthetic uses of color photography. Students will learn controls of their camera’s software. Adobe Photoshop software will be the primary tool used for image control and manipulation.

    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 240 - Applied Botany w/Lab

    The growth, structure, reproduction, and physiology of plants will be studied, and the role of plants in human affairs will be discussed in this combined lecture and laboratory/field course.

    Prerequisite(s): SCI 105  and SCI 106 .
    Credits: 4.5

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 250 - Applied Physics w/ Lab

    This physics-based course explores the mechanical and anatomical principles of human movement. Students examine the interaction of the body with the environment through sports, performing arts, and everyday activities. Areas of study include stability, stress and strain, mechanical properties of connective tissue, therapeutic application, practice of preventive health and disease control, and the formulation of public health policy. Lecture, problem solving, and laboratory experiments serve to strengthen the understanding of classical mechanics, and its applications to occupational therapy, physical therapy, sports medicine, epidemiology, and education.

    Prerequisite(s): LOS 120  or MAT 120  or PSY 201 
    Credits: 4

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Science Exploration
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 281 - Microbiology for Health Sciences

    This lecture course introduces basic medical microbiology and focuses on the viruses, bacteria, protozoans, and multi-cellular organisms which cause human diseases. It also discusses biotechnology, epidemiology, and the immune system. This course and the associated laboratory course meet the requirements of nursing and allied health programs.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in SCI 107  or SCI 170  and SCI 171 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 282 - Microbiological Laboratory

    This laboratory is designed to run concurrently with the associated lecture content of SCI 281  Microbiology for Health Sciences. The laboratory will cover the essentials of sterile technique, culture and growth requirements of mesophilic bacterial species, microscopy and staining, pure culture, biochemical assays, and unknown identification. This course and the associated lecture course meet the requirements of nursing and allied health programs.

    Prerequisite(s): SCI 281  or BIO 281  (or concurrent).
    Credits: 2

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 299 - Special Topics

    This is a class that has topics that vary from year to year.

    Credits: 3-4

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 305 - Molecular Physiology w/ Lab

    This lecture and lab course examines the linkage between cellular and organismal events and those at the molecular level. Particular attention is given to DNA replication, signal transduction and the control of transcription, genomics, proteomics, metabolism, and the compartmentalization of cellular functions.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in SCI 209 .
    Credits: 4

    Course Typically Offered: Odd-numbered spring semesters
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 315 - Environmental Health

    This course explores issues in environmental health from the dual perspectives of environmental issues and human health. A healthy environment includes species diversity, bountiful resources, and the absence of pollutants. Environmental health comprises those aspects of human health and disease that are determined by factors in the environment. It also refers to the theory and practice of assessing and controlling factors in the environment that can potentially affect human health.

    Prerequisite(s): Introductory biology course.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered: Even-numbered spring semesters
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 336 - Fundamentals of Public Health

    This course provides an overview of the public health system and examines the purpose, history, organization, approach, functions and determinants of health. The course places special emphasis on current health issues from our daily lives to highlight the relevance of public health. Trends, successes and challenges from a population perspective will be discussed as well as various tools and techniques used to address public health issues.

    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered: Fall
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 337 - Introduction to Epidemiology

    This seminar course introduces the student to epidemiology as a utility for the establishment and maintenance of public health. In essence, epidemiology involves the observation and statistical analysis of the occurrence of health and disease in human populations. This science informs the practice of preventive health/disease control and the formulation of public health policy. Seminar topics will be drawn from both infectious and chronic disease epidemiology ranging from the historical plagues such as the Black Death to the modern plagues of AIDS, cancer, and obesity.

    Prerequisite(s): Introductory Biology and Statistics recommended.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered: Spring
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 345 - Pathophysiology

    This course examines the physiologic, biochemical, genetic, and environmental bases of noninfectious diseases. The cardiovascular, endocrine, and respiratory systems will be studied closely with emphasis on inflammation, immunity, cancer, fluid distribution, electrolytes, and acid-base balance. This course meets the pathophysiology requirement for entry into the USM Nursing program.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in SCI 108  or SCI 113 /SCI 115 , SCI 170 /SCI 171  and SCI 281 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 350 - Science Projects

    This course is an independent study under the direction of a faculty member. Students develop and complete a laboratory or library project.

    Credits: 1-3

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 351 - Emerging Infectious Diseases: From AIDS to Zika

    Due to unprecedented emergence rates, Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs) have taken center stage in our society over this past decade. These diseases include SARS, MERS, Ebola, chikungunya, avian flu, AIDS and most recently, Zika. The emergence of these diseases is multifactorial in nature. Our approach in confronting these diseases needs to be dynamic, systemic, and critical, and must include the collaboration of basic scientists, clinicians, social scientists, and epidemiologists. Course content will range from molecular scientific phenomena to public health and social policy issues encountered by individuals, families, and society. This course is particularly relevant for NAS, SBS, and Public Health Students.

    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered: Fall
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 355 - Ecology w/ Lab

    This lecture and laboratory course examines the theoretical bases upon which ecological investigations are based. The laboratory portion of the course consists primarily of fieldwork during which students complete an ecological assessment of local habitat.

    Prerequisite(s): SCI 105 /SCI 106  and SCI 230  or ESP 101 .
    Credits: 4.5

    Course Typically Offered: Fall
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 359 - Cancer and Society

    This course will use an epidemiological framework to explore the scientific background and genetic, social, physical, and biological determinants of cancer. The course will examine the response of individual, family, and society to a diagnosis of cancer. Traditional and non-traditional medical approaches to a diagnosis of cancer will be explored.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in SCI 209  or SBS 200 /HRD 200 , or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 360 - Sustainability Issues

    Sustainability is one idea that shapes the past and future of the human race. The goal of this course is to allow students to develop a comprehensive worldview from which to evaluate current environmental issues and problems. Students will discuss concepts and data derived from the disciplines of ecology, biology, ethics, sociology, and politics and application of those concepts to sustainable development and the sociopolitical ramifications of environmental issues.

    Prerequisite(s): SCI 230  and SCI 107 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered: Spring
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 365 - Marine and Coastal Biology w/Lab

    A field-based course examining three major coastal habitats: the rocky shore, the sand beach, and the salt marsh along with the interactions among the living organisms in the earth’s oceans. The course will focus on the relationships between the different aquatic trophic levels. Topics include species systematics and adaptations, ecosystem structure, and the relationship between humans and the biological systems. Where possible, local field examples will be utilized to illustrate these points.

    Prerequisite(s): SCI 107  and SCI 230  or ESP 101 .
    Credits: 4

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 398 - Independent Study

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
    Credits: 1-6

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 399 - Special Topics

    This is a class that has topics that vary from year to year and is meant to be taught at the junior or senior level and may include prerequisites.

    Credits: 1-6

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 421 - Natural Resource Policy

    Examination of natural resource policies and evaluation procedures used by natural resource decision makers. Case studies focus on topics such as forest industry regulations, the Endangered Species Act, the Maine Environmental Priorities Project, transboundary ecosystems, aquatic and estuarine areas, and marine resources. Emphasis is on natural resource policy processes, conflict resolution through consensus building, and comparative risk assessment as it pertains to policy.

    Prerequisite(s): SCI 230  or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 431 - Principles of Immunology

    An introduction to the fundamentals of immunology, especially as they relate to human diseases. Topics include history of immunology, basic elements of immune systems, principles of natural and acquired immunity, cellular and molecular basis of B cell and T cell development and diversity, and clinical aspects of immunology.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in SCI 281  or BIO 281 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 440 - Sustainability Projects

    Students completing Sustainability Projects will develop understanding of the depth and meaning to the term “sustainability” and its differentiation from “sustainable development”. This may include topical material on Sustainability Principles, Local and Global Climate Change, and Consumption Patterns in the developed and developing world with an eye towards local and regional consumption patterns. Also topics of Environmental Refugees, population transitions and migration, utilizing Maine examples, may be explored as well as general ecosystem threats and challenges. Topics will center on the Human Animal as a sustainable individual and species and local food production (fad or changing marketplace). Outcomes include: Relevant literature review and problem awareness, challenge determination, proposal writing and presentation, community-based challenge protocol formulation; field experiences and report writing and community presentation.

    Prerequisite(s): SCI 360  or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 450 - Science in the Classroom

    This integrated lecture and laboratory course is designed for secondary teachers, summer camp counselors, parents, and others who wish to interest children in science. The course discusses the history of science teaching, science reform movements, and the development of science lesson plans. It provides knowledge of basic science and gives examples of inexpensive experiments which children can perform. Emphasis is placed on integrating science with the arts, math, humanities, and with social sciences. Maine State Department of Education, Division of Certification and Placement, accepts this course as an elementary science methods course.

    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Natural Science
  • SCI 470 - Neurophysiology

    This course examines the functional processes of human neurophysiology at the molecular, cellular, and system levels. Through referencing scientific literature and engaging with in-class manipulatives, students actively will construct their knowledge of neural principles ranging from the kinetics of excitable membranes to the summative activity of neural networks. Course content will be directed towards preparing students for success in OTH 520 Neuroscience for Occupational Therapists.

    Prerequisite(s): SCI 172  or SCI 305 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered: Summer
    Course Type: Natural Science


  • NUR 100 - Introduction to Professional Nursing

    This course orients students to the expectations of a baccalaureate education in nursing. Academic communication and critical thinking skills within the context of professional nursing are emphasized. Issues of ethical and professional accountability related to the role(s) of the nurse are explored. Historical and contemporary perspectives on the nature and scope of nursing practice are examined.

    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 200 - Introduction to Professional Nursing for Advanced Students

    This course has been specifically designed for advanced students with 60 or more completed credits. The course introduces career opportunities in health care as well as how prior learning and work experiences might build on and blend into a career in nursing. The historical and contemporary perspectives on the nature and scope of nursing will be investigated through utilization of online resources, advanced library skills, writing, and online discussion. Other topics will include skills of communication, critical thinking, and the relationship between professional nursing and the broad base of theoretical and empirical knowledge derived from the behavioral and physical sciences and the humanities.

    Prerequisite(s): 60 or more completed credits and NUR major or department permission.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 211 - Nursing Role for Accelerated B.S. Students

    This seminar introduces Accelerated B.S. nursing students to content in nursing history, theory, and research. Students will consider the major constructs of nurse, health, and caring practice. It is a transitional course that seeks to prepare students for the accelerated programs of study at USM, to provide a framework for understanding professional education, and to explore the transition into nursing.

    Prerequisite(s): Accelerated NUR major.
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 300 - Health Assessment

    This course provides knowledge and skills essential to conduct in-depth bio-psycho-social-cultural health assessments of well individuals throughout the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on data collection through effective communication and physical skills followed by data analysis and identification of nursing diagnoses.

    Prerequisite(s): All required nursing major science courses with grades of C or higher (BIO 111  or SCI 170 , BIO 112  or SCI 171 , BIO 113  or SCI 172 , BIO 114  or SCI 173 , BIO 281  or SCI 281 , BIO 282  or SCI 282 , BIO 345 , CHY 107  or CHY 113 , CON 252 ), nursing science GPA of 2.67, and NUR major.
    Co-requisite(s): NUR 301 .
    Credits: 2

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 301 - Health Assessment Lab

    This laboratory course provides knowledge and skills essential to conduct an in-depth bio-psycho-social-cultural, holistic health assessment of well individuals through the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on data collection through development of communication and physical examination skills. Data will be analyzed and nursing diagnoses developed.

    Co-requisite(s): NUR 300 .
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 302 - Pharmacology

    This course provides an overview of the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The major drug categories are reviewed with emphasis placed on the therapeutic use, action, and adverse reactions of selected prototype drugs. Emphasis is placed on the benefits and risks of drug therapy, thereby preparing the health professional for safe, therapeutic pharmacologic interventions. There is no clinical component to this course. For nursing majors, NUR 302 must be taken within two years of enrolling in NUR 323  and NUR 325 .

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 113  or SCI 172 , and sophomore standing.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 305 - Fundamentals in Nursing Lab for Accelerated B.S. students

    This course focuses on the cognitive basis, scientific principles, and manipulative component of psychomotor skills used when implementing foundational nursing therapeutics, which promote, maintain, and restore the health of the client.

    Prerequisite(s): Accelerated NUR major.
    Co-requisite(s): NUR 306 .
    Credits: 2

    Course Typically Offered: Summer
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 306 - Nursing Arts and Science

    This course introduces the student to concepts and skills basic to the art and science of nursing. The nursing process is introduced as a problem-solving tool and is used along with scientific principles in the teaching of foundational nursing therapeutics used in most practice settings.

    Prerequisite(s): All required nursing major science courses completed with grades of C or higher (BIO 111  or SCI 170 , BIO 112  or SCI 171 , BIO 113  or SCI 172 , BIO 114  or SCI 173 , BIO 281  or SCI 281 , BIO 282  or SCI 282 , BIO 345 , CHY 107  or CHY 113 , CON 252 ), nursing science GPA of 2.67, and NUR major. Prerequisite or concurrent: NUR 300 , NUR 301 , NUR 302 .
    Co-requisite(s): NUR 305  or NUR 307 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 307 - Fundamentals in Nursing Lab

    This course focuses on the cognitive basis, scientific principles, and manipulative component of psychomotor skills used when implementing foundational nursing therapeutics, which promote, maintain, and restore the health of the client.

    Co-requisite(s): NUR 306 .
    Credits: 2

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 308 - Concepts of Professional Nursing Practice

    This course will explore the historical foundations, current issues, and future direction of professional baccalaureate nursing practice within the context of the current healthcare system. An emphasis is placed on the continued development of critical thinking, written, and oral communication skills for the baccalaureate nurse.

    Prerequisite(s): RN licensure (or permission of instructor) and ENG 100 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 309 - Health Assessment for RNs

    This course provides the RN student with knowledge and skills essential to conduct in-depth bio-psycho-social-cultural health assessments of well individuals. The course includes examination of the concepts of wellness and health promotion across the life span.

    Prerequisite(s): RN licensure.
    Co-requisite(s): NUR 310 .
    Credits: 2

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 310 - Health Assessment Lab for RNs

    This course provides the opportunities for the RN to apply knowledge and skills necessary to conduct total health assessments.

    Prerequisite(s): RN licensure.
    Co-requisite(s): NUR 309 .
    Credits: 2

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 313 - Intermediate Nursing Skills Lab

    This laboratory and simulation course builds on the theory, scientific principles, and psychomotor skills introduced in prerequisite courses. Its focus is to develop basic psychomotor and communication skills through kinetic learning in simulated clinical scenarios built from protocol cases from adult and older health course and clinical work. Demonstrations, role-playing, critical thinking and decision-making will be the framework for skill building. Active and independent laboratory participation will permit the student to demonstrate self-direction as a learner.

    Co-requisite(s): NUR 323 , NUR 325 .
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 314 - RN Credit Option

    RNs graduating from accredited AD nursing programs will have 30 of their nursing credits accepted as equivalent to NUR 314. RNs who graduated from a diploma program will be awarded 30 basic nursing credits upon successful completion of NUR 308  Concepts of Professional Nursing Practice.

    Prerequisite(s): RN licensure and NUR 308 .
    Credits: maximum 30

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 318 - Evidence-based Practice in Nursing

    This online course introduces the student to evidence-based practice in nursing. Using models of critical appraisal, students learn competencies in the synthesis, integration, and evaluation of current best evidence for decision-making in advancing evidence-based nursing practice. With department permission, this course is open to transfer students and accelerated students who have taken a research course in quantitative methodology. The student must submit the prior course syllabus to the School of Nursing for evaluation.

    Prerequisite(s): Department permission and NUR major.
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 319 - Qualitative Inquiry in Nursing

    This online course introduces the student to qualitative health-related research methodology. Students learn the qualitative research process, different approaches to research design, and the distinctive features of each qualitative design. Using models of critical appraisal of qualitative health-related research findings, students learn competencies in the synthesis, integration, and evaluation of qualitative inquiry for decision-making in advancing evidence-based nursing practice. With department permission, this course is open to transfer students and accelerated students who have taken a research course in quantitative methodology. The student must submit the prior course syllabus to the School of Nursing for evaluation.

    Prerequisite(s): Department permission and NUR major.
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 321 - Health-Related Research

    Introduction to health-related research with an emphasis on understanding the research process and becoming a consumer of research. Critique of health-related research findings to health professions and their application to professional practice is a major component of this course. NUR 321 must be completed before taking any 400-level nursing course, with the exception of NUR 424 .

    Prerequisite(s): LOS 120  or MAT 120  or PSY 201 , and NUR major, or department permission.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 323 - Adult/Older Adult Health Nursing

    During this course, students will explore evidence-based nursing therapeutics that support both the adult and the older adult client experiencing health problems. The course considers major health problems in the United States, focusing on nursing knowledge needed for care of adults and older adults experiencing acute and chronic alterations in health in a variety of care settings. This course will encourage students to develop and practice critical thinking skills necessary for delivery of family-centered care in today’s complex health care system. The roles of collaboration, advocacy, and teaching are introduced as the student nurse interacts with clients and their support systems across the continuum of care.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 100 , NUR 200 , or NUR 211 , NUR 300 , NUR 301 , NUR 302  (within two years), NUR 306 , NUR 307  or NUR 305 ,  2.75 GPA, and NUR major.
    Co-requisite(s): NUR 313 , NUR 325 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 325 - Adult/Older Adult Health Nursing Clinical

    Students will intervene therapeutically with adults and older adults experiencing health problems. Students will practice problem-solving skills and critical thinking as they perform nursing roles in acute care settings. Concurrent with NUR 313  and NUR 323 .

    Prerequisite(s): Compliance with nursing undergraduate clinical health and background check requirements.
    Credits: 4

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 326 - Dominican Republic Community Nursing Partnership I Clinical

    Over two or three semesters, students will engage in partnership with an international community. This sequence of courses incorporates the concepts of partnership building, risk identification, and health promotion within a community-based context. Students will collaborate with community partners to develop an understanding of both short and long term needs of the community. Problem posing and problem solving will come from the community. Students will engage in ongoing community assessment, support communities in developing long term interventions/approaches, and engage in evaluation of community level practice. Students will identify individuals and families within their communities who would benefit from individual and family based nursing assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation. Students will work with health care providers in these communities to assess the need for and to augment the services available. Students will engage in both formative and summative evaluation over the course of their interaction with the community. Students will consider issues of termination and continuation as they work with individuals, families, fellow students, and community partners over a two-year period. Advancing students will mentor entering students in the roles of community partner, advocate, and care provider.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR major, accepted application to the Dominican Republic Community Nursing Partnership I Clinical, and compliance with nursing undergraduate clinical health and background check requirements.
    Credits: 1

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Culture, Power, and Equity; Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 327 - Dominican Republic Community Nursing Partnership II Clinical

    This international service learning course incorporates the concepts of partnership building, risk reduction, and health promotion in communities. Students will actively explore international health issues specific to Latin American countries and gain a more thorough understanding of environmental, socio-cultural, and political factors that affect health in a developing nation. Students will participate in partnership building with an international community-based organization to assess health risk factors and plan health promoting activities specific to identified health issues. Students will gain understanding of physical assessment, risk assessment, unique health needs, problem posing, and formulation of solutions as part of their coursework. During the course of this semester, students also participate with students from various disciplines in learning, planning, and preparing for and resource development towards the Dominican Republic International Service Learning program.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 326  and compliance with nursing undergraduate clinical health and background check requirements.
    Credits: 3

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Culture, Power, and Equity; Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 328 - Dominican Republic Community Nursing Partnership III Clinical

    See NUR 326  for description.

    Credits: 1

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 330 - Mental Health Nursing

    This course examines the theory and practice of psychiatric/mental health nursing. Assessment of clients and intervention strategies are explored. Interdisciplinary aspects of mental health care delivery and current issues in mental health nursing are discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 323 , NUR 332 , NUR 339 , NUR 424 .
    Co-requisite(s): NUR 331 .
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 331 - Mental Health Nursing Clinical

    This course offers students an opportunity to focus nursing practice on promotion, maintenance, and restoration of mental health. Clinical experience is provided in a mental health-psychiatric nursing setting. The emphasis is on application of concepts of mental health-psychiatric nursing.

    Prerequisite(s): Compliance with nursing undergraduate clinical health and background check requirements.
    Co-requisite(s): NUR 330 .
    Credits: 2

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 332 - Nursing Care of the Older Adult in the Community

    The focus of this course is the family-centered care of older individuals in the community. Emphasis is on nursing assessment, diagnosis, and therapeutic interventions with individuals and families coping with chronic illnesses. Health promotion/risk reduction strategies are applied. The roles of the nurse in interdisciplinary community settings are explored. Ethical issues unique to community settings are analyzed.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 323  (or concurrent).
    Credits: 2

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 339 - Community Nursing Partnerships I Clinical

    This course is the first in a two-course series (NUR 339 and NUR 341 ). Over two semesters students will engage in a partnership with a specific community. This sequence of courses incorporates the concepts of partnership building, risk identification, and health promotion within a community-based context. Students will collaborate with community partners to develop an understanding of both short- and long-term needs of the community. Problem-posing and problem-solving will come from the community. Students will engage in ongoing community assessment, support communities in developing long term interventions and approaches, and engage in evaluation of community level practice. Students will identify individuals and families within their communities who would benefit from individual and family-based nursing assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation. Students will work with health care providers in these communities to assess the need for services and augment the services available. Students will engage in both formative and summative evaluation over the course of their interaction with the community. Students will consider issues of continuation and termination as they work with individuals, families, fellow students, and community partners.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 306  (or concurrent), NUR 356  (or concurrent), and compliance with undergraduate nursing clinical health and background check requirements.
    Credits: 2

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Culture, Power, and Equity; Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 341 - Community Nursing Partnerships II Clinical

    This course is the second in a two-course series. See NUR 339  for description.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 339  and compliance with undergraduate nursing clinical health and background check requirements.
    Credits: 2

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Culture, Power, and Equity; Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 356 - Concepts in Community Health

    This course introduces the concepts and principles basic to the development and maintenance of the community’s health. The epidemiological process guides the survey of current major health issues. The course focuses on the health issues of groups in the community at local, state, national, and global levels. Must be completed prior to or concurrent with NUR 339 .

    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: College of Nursing
  • NUR 370 - Theory for Clinical Practice

    This course focuses on the nursing profession and the process of knowledge development within the profession. The intent is to provide participants with opportunities to explore the processes of inquiry in nursing. Participants will have opportunities to explore various modes of nursing inquiry, including scientific, philosophical, and historical. Praxis, or the development of knowledge through the cycle of acquiring experience, reflecting on experience, and enhancing practice is central to understanding what influences nursing. Relationships between practice, theory, and research are explored. Four foundational concepts: personal meaning, ways of knowing, time/transitions, and context/culture serve to focus critical reflections in this course. In recognizing multiple ways of developing knowledge, participants have the opportunity to explore how practice may differ within varying perspectives.

    Prerequisite(s): RN to BS students or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 386 - Geary Clinical Cooperative

    This course is a combination of a two-credit elective nursing course offered during the summer and a paid summer experience (10 weeks full time with a Registered Nurse preceptor at Maine Medical Center). Students are socialized into the professional role of the nurse through hands-on experience, mentoring, observational experiences, and seminar discussions focused on evidence-based nursing practice. There are seminar meetings with the instructor and assignments to complete throughout the summer.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 323 , NUR 325 , 3.0 GPA, compliance with undergraduate nursing clinical health and background check requirements, and accepted application for the Geary Cooperative Internship at USM.
    Credits: 2

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 413 - Advanced Nursing Skills Lab

    This course builds on the theory, scientific principles, and psychomotor skills introduced in NUR 306  and NUR 307  or NUR 305  and NUR 306  to promote role development in the core competencies of nursing practice.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 330 , NUR 420 , NUR 421 , NUR 424 , and NUR 427 .
    Co-requisite(s): NUR 423 , NUR 425 .
    Credits: 1

    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing
  • NUR 419 - Community Nursing Partnerships for RNs Clinical

    This course incorporates the concepts of partnership building, risk identification, risk reduction, and health promotion within a community based context. Students work with selected communities that are developing long-term solutions to previously identified health problems. Open to RN students only.

    Prerequisite(s): RN-BS major, NUR 308 , NUR 309 , NUR 310 , NUR 356 , RN licensure, and compliance with nursing undergraduate clinical health and background check requirements.
    Credits: 2

    Meets the Following Core Requirement: Culture, Power, and Equity; Engaged Learning
    Course Typically Offered:
    Course Type: Nursing

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