Feb 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Accelerated Graduate Pathway to Master of Science in Athletic Training

For highly motivated undergraduate students who are already looking ahead to graduate school, USM offers an Accelerated Graduate Pathway from the Health Sciences major to the Athletic Training program that allows students to complete both the B.S. in Health Sciences and the M.S. in Athletic Training degrees in five years. This detailed plan saves students one academic year of undergraduate education, as well as one year’s worth of undergraduate fees, tuition, and expenses. 

Program Requirements

In order to be considered for admission, a student must:

  • Declare the Health Sciences major.
  • Maintain a 2.5 cumulative undergraduate GPA.
  • Declare participation in the Accelerated MSAT track no later than the end of their second year.
  • Successfully complete all BS Health Sciences core required course work, and all University Core Curriculum requirements at the University of Southern Maine by the end of their junior year status (see course progression below).
  • Complete all MSAT prerequisites (listed below) with a C- or better. These courses also appear in the course progression.

BIO 101  /BIO 102   Biological Foundations/Lab

CHY 113   Principles of Chemistry

PHY 111  /PHY 114   Elements of Physics I/Lab

PSY 100   Introduction to Psychology

BIO 111  /BIO 112   Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab+

BIO 113  /BIO 114   Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab+

MAT 120   Introduction to Statistics OR PSY 210 Statistics in Psychology

NUR 252   Nutrition

SPM 330   Physiology of Exercise

  • Complete a USM graduate application to the MSAT.

+ These requirements may also be satisfied by one semester of human anatomy with a lab, and one semester of human physiology with a lab.

Students who do not meet these criteria or who are not accepted to the MSAT are still eligible to graduate from the Health Sciences baccalaureate degree by choosing one of the three remaining track options to complete in their fourth year of study.

It should also be noted that equivalency exams can be taken in place of certain courses if a B- was not acheived in the courses listed above. Please check the Credit for Prior Learning Office web page to ascertain if there is a test that fulfills a particular equivalency.

Suggested Course Progression

Year 1: Spring

Year 2: Fall

Year 3: Fall

Year 3: Spring

If admitted to the USM MS Athletic Training:

Year 4: Summer

  • ATH 500 Athletic Training Professional Practice (1 cr)
  • ATH 501 Foundations of Patient Safety (1 cr)
  • ATH 502 Acute Care of Injuries and Illness (3 cr)
  • ATH 503 Acute Care Simulation Lab (1 cr)
  • ATH 504 Functional Human Anatomy and Kinesiology (3 cr)

Year 4: Fall

  • ATH 510 Examination, Diagnosis and Care I (3 cr)
  • ATH 511 Examination, Diagnosis and Care I Lab (1 cr)
  • ATH 514 Examination and Management of Non-orthopedic Conditions I (3 cr)
  • ATH 515 Examination and Management of Non-orthopedic Conditions I Lab (1 cr)
  • ATH 520 Human Performance (4 cr)
  • ATH 521 Human Performance Lab (1 cr)
  • ATH 571 Clinical I (1 cr)

Year 4: Winter

  • ATH 572 Clinical 2 (1 cr)

Year 4: Spring

  • ATH 512 Examination, Diagnosis and Care II (3 cr)
  • ATH 513 Examination, Diagnoziz and Care II Lab (1 cr)
  • ATH 522 Therapeutic Interventions I (3 cr)
  • ATH 523 Therapeutic Interventions I Lab (1 cr)

Year 5: Summer

  • ATH 524 Therapeutic Interventions II (3 cr)
  • ATH 525 Therapeutic Interventions II Lab (1 cr)
  • ATH 573 Clinical 3 (2 cr)
  • ATH 650 Research Design (3 cr)
  • ATH 673 Clinical Education (1 cr)
  • ATH 674 Clinical 4 (2 cr)

Year 5: Fall

  • ATH 626 Therapeutic Interventions III (3 cr)
  • ATH 627 Therapeutic Interventions III Lab (1 cr)
  • ATH 640 Health Care Administration (3 cr)
  • ATH 651 Capstone 1 (3 cr)
  • ATH 675 Clinical 5 (2 cr)

Year 5: Spring

  • ATH 641 Health Promotion (3 cr)
  • ATH 642 Athletic Training Professional Practice II (1 cr)
  • ATH 643 BOC Preparation (1 cr)
  • ATH 652 Capstone 2 (1 cr)
  • ATH 676 Clinical 6 (3 cr)