Oct 22, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

University Degree Requirements

To be eligible for a baccalaureate degree from the University, a student must meet the following:

  • Any college readiness requirements
  • Core curriculum requirements
  • School or college major requirements

The Core curriculum requirements apply to all students who entered the University beginning September 1982 and thereafter. Transfer students should refer to the section, “Transfer Credits and the USM Core.”

Graduation Requirements

In addition to the minimum requirements of 120 credits for a baccalaureate degree, a candidate must:

  1. receive passing grades in courses required by the University, the school or college, and the major department;
  2. accumulate the number of credit hours required by the school or college in which the student is registered;
  3. achieve an accumulative average grade point average of not less than 2.00 (some majors require a higher GPA for graduation);
  4. meet the requirements of the major department; and
  5. complete an Application for Degree on MaineStreet or with the Office of the Registration and Scheduling Services at the beginning of the semester of graduation.

Responsibility for successfully completing the requirements of the program resides with the student.

Course Numbering

001-099 Developmental/No Degree Credit
100-199 Introductory Level
200-399 Intermediate Level
400-499 Senior Level others by permission
500-599 Undergraduate and Graduate Students
600-799 Graduate and Doctoral Students Only


  • All courses with number 100 or greater carry credit and quality points toward a baccalaureate degree.
  • Matriculated baccalaureate students should not register for courses with numbers less than 100 unless meeting minimum proficiency requirements.


The Registrar, in the Office of Registration and Scheduling Services, serves as the legal custodian of University academic records and is responsible for the appropriate recording, production, and disbursement of those records. The Office is also responsible for recording such critical functions as academic honors, sanctions, and dismissals. The Office of Registration and Scheduling Services is located in Luther Bonney Hall on the Portland campus and in Bailey Hall on the Gorham campus, (207) 780-5230. Registration services are also available at Lewiston-Auburn Campus, (207) 753-6500.


The registration process is conducted by Registration and Scheduling Services, Advising, and many academic departments. It includes acknowledgment of financial responsibility, selection of courses, completion of any necessary forms, and payment of University charges. Newly admitted students are notified by Orientation and Transitional Programs of their appointment for academic orientation, advising, and registration. Advising coordinates the new student academic advising process and initiates the registration procedure by approving course schedules.

  • Continuing degree students may advance register in priority order, based on credits earned and class level. Advance registration is conducted in early November for the Spring term; early March for the Summer term; and early April for the Fall term. Degree students may need to obtain advisor approval prior to registration. No student may register for more than 18 credits in one semester without the permission of his or her advisor and the dean.
  • Non-matriculated (non-degree-seeking) students may register only during the open registration period which follows the advance registration period.

Enrollment Status

Undergraduate students are considered to be full-time if they are enrolled for 12 or more credits; three-quarter time requires at least 9 credits; and half-time requires at least 6 credits.

Grading System

Grades at the University are given in terms of letters, with the option of a plus or minus designation (with the exception of A+), representing levels of achievement. The basis for determining a grade is the relative extent to which the student has achieved the objectives of the course. The student’s work in each course is graded as follows:

Other letter grades are as follows:

A Superior
B Good
C Satisfactory, successful meeting of the course objectives
D Low-level work, below the average required for graduation for an undergraduate, and a failing grade for a graduate student. In addition, individual departments may limit the number of D grades accepted, as stated in the departmental sections of this catalog. The paragraphs on Minimum Grade and Academic Suspension and Repeated Courses should also be noted.
F Failure to meet the course objectives
P Pass; pass with a grade of C- or better in a pass/fail course
H High performance in a pass/fail course
LP Low Pass; pass with a grade of D-, D, or D+ in a pass/fail course
I Incomplete; a temporary grade given, agreed upon by instructor and student, in extraordinary circumstances when the student has failed to complete the course requirements. Incomplete grades must be resolved within 140 days from the end of term in which the Incomplete was given or by the deadline specified by the instructor, not to exceed 140 days. If the Incomplete is not resolved in the time frame outlined, it will be converted to an F.
INC Permanent Incomplete; When a temporary incomplete (I) grade is not resolved to a normal letter grade, a permanent incomplete may be assigned in extraordinary circumstances as determined by the instructor and the dean. In unusual circumstances wherein the faculty member is no longer available, the dean may exercise this function. The grade of INC has no impact on GPA; no credits awarded.
L Stopped attending; The grade of L may be assigned to students who stopped attending a course without officially dropping the course. The grade of L will be computed as an F for purposes of the student’s grade point average.
MG Missing Grade; Faculty may fail to submit a grade for a particular student in a course. In these cases, the Registrar will note this act by designating a missing grade, or MG. Missing Grades must be resolved by the end of each semester. If the missing grade is not resolved, it will be converted to an F.
W Withdrawal after the end of the drop period through 60% of a course. If a student has not officially withdrawn before 60% of the course has been completed, an F will be assigned. The W notation may be obtained after completion of 60% of the course under unusual circumstances if so determined by the instructor and the dean. A threat of failure is not considered to be an unusual circumstance. The grade of W has no impact on GPA.
DG Satisfactory progress after one semester of a two-semester course; grade and credits to be given upon completion of second semester.
AU Student attended courses on a noncredit basis.

Grade Point Averages

The academic standing of each student is computed by the Registrar at the end of every semester. The following table represents the rating scale:

A 4.00 grade points per credit hour  
A- 3.67 grade points per credit hour  
B+ 3.33 grade points per credit hour  
B 3.00 grade points per credit hour  
B- 2.67 grade points per credit hour  
C+ 2.33 grade points per credit hour  
C 2.00 grade points per credit hour  
C- 1.67 grade points per credit hour  
D+ 1.33 grade points per credit hour  
D 1.00 grade points per credit hour  
D- 0.67 grade points per credit hour  
F 0.00 grade points per credit hour  

To compute the grade point average for a semester, first multiply the grade points earned in each course by the number of credit hours assigned to that course. The resulting product is the number of quality points for that course. Then divide the total number of quality points earned during the semester by the total number of credits carried in that semester (exclude classes where grades are P, H, LP, I and W). The result is carried out to two decimal places to produce the grade point average for that semester.

To compute the cumulative grade point average, divide the total quality points earned by the total credits attempted in all semesters.

Credit Hour Definition

A credit hour is defined as one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and no less than two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time.

Dean’s List

At the end of the fall and spring semesters, full-time, undergraduate degree students (defined as those who completed 12 credit hours or more, with a minimum of 12 letter graded credits A-F, unless specific Pass/Fail credits are required by the student’s program), and excluding developmental credits with course numbers less than 100, with grade point average of 3.6 or above will be placed on the Dean’s List.

Students with Incomplete or Missing Grades (I or MG) at the point when the Dean’s List is produced (approximately 35 days after the end of a fall or spring semester) will not be eligible for the Dean’s List. A notation will be made on the transcript of those who earn the Dean’s List distinction. Those students on the Dean’s List whose names appear in the public directory of the University will have their names released to the news media.

Students who attend both the fall and the spring semesters as part-time degree students and who meet the above full-time Dean’s List criteria when the fall and spring semesters are combined are eligible for the academic year Dean’s List at the end of the spring semester. A notation will be made on the transcript of those who earn the academic year Dean’s List distinction.

Academic Action (Probation, Suspension, Dismissal)

Undergraduate students who fail to meet the minimum academic standards for satisfactory progress toward their degree, in a single semester and cumulatively, are subject to an academic action. The criteria by which a student would be subject to academic action are outlined as follows:

Table 1: Minimum cumulative grade point averages for all undergraduate programs

Class Membership Cumulative Grade Point Average    
  For Good Standing For Probation For Suspension
0 - 23 earned credit hours* ≥1.70 ≥1.50 <1.50
24 - 53 earned credit hours* ≥1.80 ≥1.60 <1.60
54 - 83 earned credit hours* ≥1.90 ≥1.70 <1.70
84+ earned credit hours* ≥2.00 ≥1.80 <1.80

*All accepted transfer credits are factored into the number of earned credit hours.

Good Academic Standing

Good academic standing is defined in Table 1. Good academic standing for a cumulative grade point average is based on the total number of earned credit hours (see Table 1).

Note: Individual programs may have higher minimum GPA requirements to be eligible for progression and/or graduation in the major. Consult your program’s requirements for more information.

Academic Notice

The minimum cumulative grade point average for graduation is 2.00. Therefore, following semesters in which their semester grade point averages fall below 2.00, students will receive a notice of academic concern, which will bring them into the Academic Recovery program.

Academic Probation

The minimum cumulative grade point average for graduation is 2.00. Therefore, any GPA below 2.00 does not meet minimum standards for making satisfactory progress toward graduation.

Students are subject to probation following a semester in which their semester grade point average falls below 2.00.

Students are subject to probation if their cumulative grade point average is below the level to be in good standing, based on the number of earned credit hours (see Table 1).

A student on probation will be required to meet certain academic conditions, outlined in an academic recovery plan, pertaining to the level of coursework, number of enrolled credits, academic achievement, etc. Students are subject to probation until the cumulative grade point average is at the level for good standing, based on the number of earned credit hours (see Table 1), and the semester GPA of the most recent semester completed is greater than or equal to 2.00.

Academic Suspension

Students who are on probation and fail to meet minimum academic standards are subject to academic suspension. Academic suspension is imposed for a length of one academic semester, and does not include summer session. Conditions where students are subject to suspension include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Student has had two semesters of probationary standing within a two-year period without improvement;
  • Student has failed two or more courses during a semester;
  • Student’s cumulative grade point average places them in suspension, based on the number of earned credit hours (see Table 1).

Exceptions to suspension may be made for students who have met any of the following conditions:

  • It is a student’s first semester enrolled at USM;
  • It is the first time that a student’s cumulative GPA has fallen below good standing based on the number of earned credit hours (see Table 1);
  • A student has earned a semester grade point average of at least 2.00 while on probation, but has not achieved a cumulative grade point average in good standing based on the number of earned credit hours (see Table 1).

As is the case with all students matriculated at the University of Southern Maine, students who are under suspension should confer with the Dean or appropriate representative of the Dean for prior approval before taking courses at the University of Southern Maine in the summer or at another institution.

Academic suspension holds are imposed for a length of one academic semester (not including summer session). The suspension hold will remain on a student’s MaineStreet account until released by the appropriate dean’s representative. Students returning from academic suspension will be placed on probation and be required to participate in an academic recovery plan.

Academic Dismissal

The academic dismissal of a student at the University of Southern Maine is the final action taken when students are not making satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree. Students returning from suspension who show no improvement in their cumulative grade point average or fail to meet the requirements of their academic recovery plan are subject to dismissal from the University. Students who meet the criteria to be placed on academic suspension for a second time within two years may be dismissed from the University.

In rare cases, students may be readmitted if they can provide evidence of significant academic improvement to the dean’s representative of their school or college. Such evidence would normally include at least 15 credits of high quality coursework with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50 achieved at a regionally accredited institution.

Academic Recovery Plan

Students placed on probation or returning from suspension will be required to participate in an academic recovery plan, designed to help the student assess their current academic strategies and make necessary changes in order to be successful in future semesters.

Summer Session Courses for Suspended and Dismissed Students

Students who are currently enrolled in one or more summer session courses, and receive notification of suspension or dismissal, will be allowed to complete those courses for grade and credit. Academic performance in summer session courses is not considered in appeal decisions. However, students may make a request to the dean’s representative for special consideration of summer course work as part of their appeal.

Note: Students may also receive notice that their summer Financial Aid has been withdrawn due to not making successful academic progress (SAP), which may prevent them from continuing in summer classes. In those cases, students must work with Financial Aid to determine their eligibility to retain and use that aid.

Suspension Appeals

Students who can provide evidence of extenuating circumstances, beyond their control and which affected their academic performance during the semester, may appeal their suspension. Students who seek to appeal their suspension must do so in writing and should address all requirements as outlined in the suspension letter. Appeals are normally submitted within ten business days of the date of the suspension letter and should be addressed to the dean’s representative noted in the letter. The appeal will be brought to the university Academic Standing Committee, which will review and make a decision regarding the appeal. The decision of the Academic Standing Committee is final and not subject to additional appeal.

Academic Standing Committee

The function of the Academic Standing Committee is to meet and review student suspension and dismissal appeals ensuring that consistent decisions are made for all appeals. The composition of the Academic Standing Committee will include representatives appointed by the academic dean of each college in consultation with faculty leadership. Additionally, membership will include a representative from the Division of Student Affairs.

Re-enrollment after Academic Suspension

Matriculated degree candidates are eligible for re-enrollment at the University in accordance with the stipulations outlined in their letter of suspension. Unless noted otherwise in the letter of suspension, the student has the right to re-enroll after one semester.

Professional Licensure and Certification Notice

Students who are pursuing degrees leading to application for professional licensure or certification, and/or who will be participating in clinical placements, internships, or practica through their USM program should be aware that their host facility may require a criminal background check, fingerprinting, or drug screening. In such situations, each student is responsible for obtaining and paying for the background check or other screening process and for delivering required documentation to the facility. Although the University will make reasonable efforts to place admitted students in field experiences and internships, it will be up to the host facility to determine whether a student will be allowed to work at that facility. Students should further be aware that a criminal record may jeopardize licensure by the state certification body. Students may consult the certification body corresponding to their intended occupation for more details. Successful completion of a program of study at USM does not guarantee licensure, certification, or employment in the relevant occupation.

Professional Licensure Disclosure Statement

Eligibility for licensure and/or certification may involve more than successful degree completion. The University of Southern Maine cannot confirm that its courses or degree programs meet the requirements for professional licensure outside of the State of Maine. The University of Southern Maine strongly encourages prospective and current students to contact the appropriate or applicable licensing board(s) in states in which they may wish to pursue licensure, prior to beginning any program of study.

Non-Degree Students

A non-degree student is any student who is not admitted or enrolled in a USM undergraduate degree program.

Non-degree students may register on a space-available basis for courses providing the student meets the prerequisites for the course. Undergraduate students may take up to 60 credit hours in non-degree status. Before earning 60 credit hours, any non-degree student who intends to earn a degree will need to apply for admission and be admitted to a degree program at USM.

Non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid.

Class Membership

A minimum of 120 credit hours is required for graduation in most baccalaureate-level programs. To progress through the University in the traditional four years, full-time students should earn at least 30 credits each year, carrying at least 15 credit hours each semester or utilizing winter or summer sessions to supplement a fewer-than-15-credit-hour term. Permission must be obtained from the advisor and the appropriate dean to carry more than 18 credit hours in a semester.

For standing as a sophomore, a student shall have completed at least 24 credit hours; for junior standing, 54 credit hours; and for senior standing, 84 credit hours.



Students may self-add courses of twelve or more weeks in length through the end of the first week of the semester, provided that there is space available and the student has satisfied any prerequisites for the class. An instructor’s signature, or departmental permission, is required in all situations where the student is unable to self-register. For courses that are less than twelve weeks in length, the add period will be 7% of the class length (one day for each two weeks of the class length).

Students who find that their names are not on the instructor’s official list or that a course is not listed on their official schedule in MaineStreet should check immediately with the Office of Registration and Scheduling Services to make necessary corrections to the registration records.


Students may self-drop from a course at any time before the end of the course.

- A drop during the first two weeks of a course that is twelve weeks or more in length (or during the first 14% of the class for classes less than twelve weeks in length) will not be noted on the transcript.

- A drop after the first two weeks of a course that is twelve weeks or more in length through 60% of the course will receive the grade notation of W.

- A drop of a course after the 60% period will receive the grade notation of F.

The W notation may be assigned after 60% of the course has been completed under unusual circumstances if so determined by the instructor and the dean.

All students who register for a course and neither complete the course objectives nor officially withdraw according to any one of the procedures described above will be graded F or an L in that course and must assume all financial obligations associated with the course.

*****Please check your MaineStreet Schedule in the Student Center and click on the icon (Academic Calendar Deadlines) before each class for the exact deadline dates. *****

Pass/Fail Option

The purpose of the pass/fail grade option is to encourage a student to broaden his or her educational experience with a reduced risk of lowering the overall grade point average. The instructor will assign pass grades of H (high performance) or P (pass) when a letter grade of C- or better would have been assigned, a grade of LP (low pass) when the letter grade would have been D+, D, or D-. Note that F and L grades earned in pass/fail classes will be included in the grade point average calculation.

Unless otherwise specifically stated in this catalog, courses taken to satisfy Core curriculum, University Honors Program, or major or minor requirements may not be taken on a pass/fail basis. Undergraduate degree candidates may register for a maximum of six hours of pass/fail credits in any one semester, up to a maximum of eighteen hours of the total credit hours required for graduation.

Students may exercise the pass/fail option for a course through the add/drop period (corresponding to no notation on the transcript). Requests after this period must be made through the Dean’s office of the school/college offering the course. In general, requests for reversal of the pass/fail option will only be granted if a grade is necessary to meet the student’s particular degree requirements. Prior to exercising this option, students are encouraged to contact the instructor of the course.

Repeated Courses

When a student repeats a course and earns a grade of A, B, C, D, F, H, P, or LP, the initial grade notation remains on the transcript; the later grade is the one used and counted for GPA calculations, credit, and requirements. No course may be repeated more than once without written permission of the dean or director of the appropriate school, college, or division. This policy does not apply to courses specifically designed to be repeated.

Students should complete a Course Condition Form each time they repeat a course. Courses intended to repeat University of Southern Maine courses may be taken at other institutions; such courses will be accepted in accordance with the University’s transfer policy. The transferred course accepted as a USM equivalent will receive USM credit but will not be calculated in the GPA; the original USM course that was repeated will remain on the student’s transcript but will be removed from both the credit and GPA calculations.

Academic Forgiveness Policy

Occasionally, a student’s academic performance early in his or her career or due to extenuating life circumstances may not be reflective of academic ability. The Academic Forgiveness Policy allows an undergraduate student the right to request to eliminate up to 15 credit hours that may be negatively impacting overall GPA.

If a request is approved by the Academic Review Committee, the grades and credits for the forgiven courses/semester will remain on the transcript; however, the credits will not accumulate toward graduation nor impact the student’s GPA. Once academic forgiveness is granted, it is not reversible.

In order to be considered, the following criteria must be met:

  1. The course(s) or semester of coursework to be forgiven must have been completed at least two (2) years prior to the request for forgiveness and any earned credits to be forgiven must not have been applied to a previously awarded degree.
  2. The student has earned at least 30 credits with a minimum GPA of 2.0 at USM since completion of the coursework for which forgiveness is sought.
  3. The student is a matriculated undergraduate degree candidate in good standing at the time of the request for forgiveness.
  4. Forgiveness can only be provided for credits and grades earned at USM.
  5. Academic forgiveness can be granted only once and for no more than 15 credit hours.

No tuition or fee refunds shall be made.

Fresh Start

Students requesting readmission to the University after an absence of five or more years may be treated as external transfers in the determination of credits and grade point average. Credit is allowed for all University of Southern Maine courses passed at the level of C- or higher. All grades remain on the academic transcript but are removed from calculation of the cumulative grade point average. To be eligible for Fresh Start, students must have a minimum of 30 credits remaining toward degree completion and must complete those 30 credits in residence at the University of Southern Maine. Fresh Start may impact a student’s eligibility for financial aid due to the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.

Auditing Courses

Students who register to audit a course receive no academic credit for the course but will have an audit grade (AU) recorded on their transcripts. Audit courses must be declared by the end of the add/drop period. Questions about this policy should be directed to the Office of Registration and Scheduling Services.

Independent Study

Independent study is intended to encourage supervised undergraduate research. With permission of the instructor, junior and senior students may elect independent study related to their major or minor. Normally, no more than 4 credits may be earned in a semester. No more than 12 credits of completed independent study shall be counted toward an undergraduate degree. The student submits an independent study application to the department chair, which includes a detailed description of his or her proposed program of study. The independent study form must be filed with the Registrar before registration will be allowed.

Permanent Academic Record

The permanent academic record, including transfer credit evaluation, is maintained by the Registrar for all students of the University. While grades may be reported unofficially to the student, academic dean, and advisor, the only true and valid documentation of academic work and student status is an official transcript of the academic record, stamped with the Registrar’s signature and embossed with the seal of the University. The transcript is available only with the signature of the student and will be released to that student or a designee provided there are no outstanding charges against his or her account with Student Financials. Other types of transcripts are: Unofficial-issued Directly to Student, available after grades are posted for that semester; Placement Transcript, provided for the student’s placement folder.

Academic Record Changes

Considerable care is taken to ensure that course registration and grades entered on a student’s permanent record are accurate. Any student who suspects an error has been made should contact the Registrar immediately. Records are assumed to be correct if a student does not report to the Registrar within one year of the completion of the course. At that time, the record becomes permanent and cannot be changed.

Coursework at Other Institutions

Matriculated students at the University are expected to secure written approval from the appropriate dean prior to taking coursework at another institution. Credit approved for courses taken at other institutions will count toward the total degree hours required but will not be computed in the student’s cumulative grade point average. For further information, contact the Transfer Affairs Office.

Credits in Residence Requirement (Academic Residency)

For all baccalaureate degrees at the University, a minimum of 30 credit hours, including at least 9 credit hours in the major field at the 200-level or above, must be completed at the University of Southern Maine.

*Credits awarded by Prior Learning Assessment through academic portfolio review or earned during USM sanctioned study abroad programs shall count toward the Academic Residency requirement.

Graduation Honors Policy

Graduation with Latin Honors distinction is based on the student’s final GPA at the University of Southern Maine. Students must complete at least 60 credit hours (with a minimum of 45 credit hours graded A through F) at USM in order to qualify. Graduation with distinction categories are (a) at least 3.90 for summa cum laude; (b) at least 3.75 and less than 3.90 for magna cum laude; and (c) at least 3.60 and less than 3.75 for cum laude.

In the event a student meets the graduation with distinction GPA requirement at USM, but fails to meet the 60-credit-hour requirement, distinction will be determined by a calculation of the student’s GPA for the last 60 credit hours, wherever they were completed, after all grades are in and it is determined that all requirements have been satisfied.

Honor Cords at Commencement

For purposes of wearing honor cords designating Latin Honors at Commencement (gold cords, summa cum laude; blue cords, magna cum laude; white cords, cum laude), a student must meet the GPA requirements listed above, and be registered for enough credits in the Spring semester to meet the 60 credit hours at USM requirement. Honors status at the time of the May Commencement ceremony is based on the cumulative GPA obtained after the last full term of attendance (fall) as grades for the spring term are typically not in.

Post-Baccalaureate Study for Second Degree

A second bachelor’s degree may not be granted a student until he or she has completed an additional year of college work, as represented by a minimum of 30 semester hours beyond the requirements for the first degree. Such work must be completed in accordance with all other University regulations.

It is the responsibility of the office of the Dean of the school or college in which the second degree is sought to provide the approval for undertaking the second degree and certifying the completion of all requirements prior to receipt of the second degree.

Students who have already earned one baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and are undertaking work for a second baccalaureate degree are not required to satisfy Core curriculum requirements.

Semester Withdrawal from the University

To withdraw from the University, a student must notify the Registrar in writing. Official withdrawal forms are available from the Registration and Scheduling Services office, the Advising Office, and online, and require a signature. The date of withdrawal will normally be the postmark date of the withdrawal letter or the date the official form is signed.

Grades will be assigned based on rules explained in the Drop section above.

Students in good standing who have withdrawn from the University and who wish to return at a later date should follow the instructions given under Matriculation Status. Information concerning financial obligations to the University relative to the withdrawal policy will be found in the Financial Information section of this catalog.

Matriculation Status

Degree candidates will lose their matriculation status after two years of non-enrollment. In such cases, the student can still register for classes in accordance with current registration procedures as a non-matriculated student. If, however, a student wishes to resume studies as a degree candidate after losing matriculative status, he or she needs to apply for readmission. Readmission applicants should contact the Office of Admissions for the proper forms.

Catalog Effective for Graduation Requirements

First-year and new transfer students (including transfers from other campuses of the University of Maine System) must satisfy the graduation requirements set out in the catalog in effect for the first semester of their attendance as a matriculated student. Students whose matriculation at the University has expired forfeit the right to pursue a degree according to the provisions of the original catalog and are bound instead by the catalog in effect for the first semester of attendance as a readmitted student.

At the student’s choice, a later catalog may be selected for graduation requirements; a student may not select an earlier catalog. In some cases, academic units have specific time limits for completion of graduation requirements. If so, that time limit will be noted in the appropriate school/college/division section of this catalog. Students must meet the requirements of a catalog issued within eight years of matriculation. A student may use different catalogs to satisfy general education (core) requirements, major requirements, and any minor requirements.

The University is not bound by its previous catalogs and maintains the right to control its course offerings. Where program/degree requirement changes have occurred that have resulted in changes to course offerings and/or availability, reasonable substitutions will be made to facilitate degree/program completion.

Time to Completion

Undergraduate students who have not completed their degree within an 8 year period from their initial matriculation date must obtain permission from the Dean of their college prior to enrolling in future terms.

Declaring a Major

Undergraduate students must declare a major before earning 60 credits at USM. Transfer students who enter USM with more than 60 credits must declare a major before the end of their first semester at USM.

Changing/Adding Majors, Minors or Concentration

Students should obtain the proper form from the Registration and Scheduling Services office or website and seek proper departmental approval. When approved, the new major, minor, or concentration will be updated by Registration and Scheduling Services. Note that some programs require a minimum grade point average (GPA) for a major or minor change. See the appropriate department’s section for specific details.

Attendance Policy

The attendance policy is left to the discretion of the faculty member. Each semester, it is the responsibility of the faculty member to inform the students in each class of the attendance requirements for that class.

Acceptable Conduct in Class Settings Policy

As members of an academic community, we are committed to learning and practicing in ways that support a caring and socially just community. The following are examples of how we create and sustain a productive learning environment:

  1. Facilitate an open, respectful, and caring environment.
  2. Accept responsibility and accountability for one’s own behavior when interacting with others.
  3. Explore controversial issues through open dialogue and respectful deliberation.
  4. Respect freedom of expression while recognizing that such tolerance does not require agreement with expressed ideas.
  5. Engage institutional resources and persons to resolve conflict when necessary.

The purpose of this policy is to foster a safe and supportive learning and work environment. Therefore, we will not tolerate harassing or discriminatory conduct in any form.

The UMS System Conduct Code defines a violation in basic terms:

Violations are activities which directly and significantly interfere with the University’s (1) primary educational responsibility of ensuring the opportunity of all members of the community to attain their educational objectives. (p.7) [http://staticweb.maine.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Student-Conduct-Code-2018-Complete-accessible.pdf-correctedByPAVE.pdf?0fa197]

The University of Southern Maine has a commitment to academic freedom. In a class environment, this freedom is exercised through the norms established by the faculty who play a distinct role in a class setting rooted in their professional training and in the standards established by disciplinary cultures, professional organizations, and accreditors. The faculty curate dialogue within a class setting.

If a student substantially disrupts a class, the professor may ask the student to align with this policy on conduct in a class setting. If the student refuses, the professor may, at their discretion, ask the student to leave. If the professor takes this step, they must attempt to communicate with the student and provide informal counsel and advice. The professor may elect to notify their dean of the situation as well. If the student disrupts the class again, the professor may, at their discretion, provide a written notification to the student, describe the offending behavior, and refer the student’s case to the appropriate academic dean and notify the dean of students that an official student conduct code violation has occurred [https://usm.maine.edu/community-standards-mediation/conduct-process]. During this process, the student’s academic dean will make sure that the student is provided suitable instruction and the student is afforded all of the usual resources normally available to them by the University. At any step in this process, the professor should contact Public Safety if they feel that anyone’s safety in the class is threatened or if the student refuses to leave (dial 911 from a phone on the Portland or Gorham campuses, or 780-5211; dial 9-911 from a campus phone on the Lewiston- Auburn campus, or call the Lewiston Police at 784-6421).

Syllabi Distribution Policy

All courses must have a syllabi. However, provided that the University is compliant with ADA accessibility standards, paper syllabi are no longer required. A paper syllabi must be provided to any student in the class who requests one.

Grade Submission

Faculty are expected to submit final semester grades no later than ten (10) calendar days after the last day of the semester, inclusive of finals.

Student Academic Integrity Policy

Everyone associated with the University of Southern Maine is expected to adhere to the principles of academic integrity central to the academic function of the University. Any breach of academic integrity represents a serious offense. Each student has a responsibility to know the standards of conduct and expectations of academic integrity that apply to academic tasks. Violations of student academic integrity include any actions that attempt to promote or enhance the academic standing of any student by dishonest means. Cheating on an examination, stealing the words or ideas of another (i.e., plagiarism), making statements known to be false or misleading, falsifying the results of one’s research, improperly using library materials or computer files, or altering or forging academic records are examples of violations of this policy which are contrary to the academic purposes for which the University exists. Acts that violate academic integrity disrupt the educational process and are not acceptable.

Evidence of a violation of the academic integrity policy will normally result in disciplinary action. A copy of the complete policy may be obtained from the Dean of Students Office, online at www.usm.maine.edu/deanofstudents or by calling and requesting a copy at (207) 780-5242.

Examination Policy

The examination policy states that it is the responsibility of the faculty member to inform the students in each class of the examination requirements for that class. Usually, two to four preliminary examinations are administered in each course and count heavily toward the final grade. Giving a final exam is not mandatory; however, in courses where they are given, the examinations must be scheduled within the specific final exam period. Take-home exams are also due within the final exam period. By action of the Faculty Senate, no test or examination may be scheduled during the last week of classes.

Absence from a Final Examination

A student who misses a final examination should immediately contact the instructor to apply for a special examination. Students who miss a final examination and are failing the course at the time will usually be given the grade of F, instead of an Incomplete, for the semester grade.

Confidentiality Policy

The University complies with the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the Buckley Amendment). For the complete University Confidentiality Policy, consult the Confidentiality of Student Records Policy.

Clinical Course Requirements

Many programs of study at the University require as a condition of graduation the completion of one or more training programs or courses in an outside clinical or professional setting, such as a hospital, clinic, professional office, or public classroom. These outside institutions sometimes impose additional requirements upon students as conditions of participation in their programs. Such requirements might include evidence of a recent medical examination, evidence of health, auto, or other insurance, a written agreement to accept and abide by the rules and regulations of that institution, or the execution of an indemnity agreement or release. The University assumes there will be assent to and compliance with such requirements, rules, and regulations by each student upon his or her enrollment in those courses involving outside clinical study.

Student Complaints

The Dean of Students Office provides guidance to students to assist in identifying whether the nature of their concern is an academic appeal or an administrative appeal, and the appropriate University policy or procedure that can be used to resolve it. The academic appeals and administrative appeals policies do not apply to student complaints about unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment. The Dean of Students Office and the Deputy Title IX Coordinator can advise the student about other University policies and procedures used to address student complaints about unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment.

Student Academic Appeals Policy

Public institutions of higher education function for the common good, not to further the interest of either the individual faculty member or the institution as a whole. The common good depends upon the free search for truth and its free expression. Academic freedom is essential for protection of the rights of the teacher in teaching, and the rights of the student to freedom in learning. Teachers must be accorded freedom of speech under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subjects. Controversy lies at the heart of free academic inquiry, and provocative teaching techniques are often effective. Rights carry corresponding duties; both faculty and students should exercise this freedom in a responsible manner.

A fundamental premise of academic freedom is that decisions concerning the quality of faculty scholarship, teaching, and service are best made by reference to standards of the academic profession, as interpreted and applied by the community of scholars who are qualified by academic expertise and professional training to establish them. Possible violations of professional standards are most appropriately remedied through supervision of faculty peers. This occurs during regular performance appraisals of faculty, in which adequate consideration of student teaching evaluations is required.

Academic appeals generally involve such matters as appeal of grades granted by individual members of the faculty or instances of perceived unfair treatment which a student believes may have negatively impacted his or her grade. To be considered, an appeal of a grade must be initiated within thirty days after a final grade is posted.

In order to guarantee fair and equitable consideration of student academic appeals, a student must first reduce an appeal to writing and discuss it with the faculty member whose actions gave rise to the appeal, in a good faith attempt to resolve any misunderstanding. If, after such discussion, the student is not satisfied with the result, he or she may appeal to the department chair.

After receiving an academic appeal of a grade, the department chair shall interview the student, the faculty member, and any witnesses; review the course syllabus and all graded assignments; and ascertain the facts of each case. Because the faculty member who issued the grade is in the best position to evaluate the performance of students enrolled in a course, the academic judgment used to determine the merits of the grade awarded shall not be reviewable. A department chair may request that a faculty member reconsider a student’s grade. A faculty member may decline to reconsider a student’s grade; reconsider a grade and change it; or reconsider a grade and decide not to change it. There must be compelling evidence of unfair treatment for a department chair to change a grade, and this may be done only after a vote supporting that decision by faculty peers within the department.

The department chair shall issue a decision in writing to the student and the faculty member within a reasonable period of time, normally not to exceed fourteen days. Either the student or the faculty member may appeal that decision to the dean of the school or college and, if not satisfied with the result, to the provost. Responses to these appeals shall be made in writing to the student and the faculty member within a reasonable period of time, normally not to exceed fourteen days.

The individual receiving an academic appeal of a grade shall review the record compiled by the department chair and evaluate the manner in which the appeal was decided. Because faculty peers within the department are in the best position to evaluate teaching within their scholarly expertise, there must be compelling evidence of unfair treatment or violation of the academic appeals procedure for a grade to be changed. The individual receiving an academic appeal shall issue a decision in writing to the student, with copies to the faculty member and the department chair. A decision by the office of the provost shall be final and not subject to further review.

Student Administrative Appeals Policy

Appeals of administrative decisions generally involve all matters affecting a student while at USM other than matters affecting grades. An administrative decision is any final decision made in an official capacity by any employee or group of employees of the University, including academic matters other than those affecting grades governed by the Student Academic Appeals Policy and violations of the Student Conduct Code. Decisions by a departmental, college or University faculty group making or changing policies are not final administrative decisions. Grading matters are appealed through the Student Academic Appeals Policy described above. To be considered, an administrative appeal must be initiated within 30 days after the decision is made.

In order to guarantee fair and equitable consideration of student administrative appeals, a student must first reduce an appeal to writing and meet and discuss it with the University employee whose actions gave rise to the appeal, in a good faith attempt to resolve any misunderstanding. If, after such a meeting, the student is not satisfied with the result, he or she may appeal to the head of the academic department or administrative supervisor of the employee.

The head of the academic department or administrative supervisor of the University employee receiving an administrative appeal shall interview the student, the employee, and any witnesses; review relevant written materials; and ascertain the facts of each case. For the individual receiving an administrative appeal to change a decision there must be compelling evidence the University employee exceeded his or her authority or engaged in an arbitrary and capricious abuse of discretion unsupported by the record.

The individual deciding an administrative appeal shall issue a decision in writing to the student and the University employee within a reasonable period of time, normally not to exceed fourteen days. Either the student or the University employee may appeal that decision to the head of the appropriate administrative division and, if not satisfied with the result, to the vice president for Academic Affairs or the appropriate vice president for the area involved. A decision by the vice president for Academic Affairs or the appropriate vice president for the area involved shall be final and not subject to further review.

No person shall present to any individual receiving a student academic appeal or student administrative appeal any oral or written communication not on the record relevant to the appeal. The substance of any prohibited communication shall be disregarded by the person receiving an appeal when making any official decision on that appeal.

Vacation Periods - Class Start

Vacation periods of one week in length are defined to start on a Monday and end on the following Sunday. Any scheduled weekend class (Saturday/Sunday) prior to the start of the vacation week will be held as scheduled.